Chapter 27: Horcrux

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Viktor was a most accommodating host, warmly inviting them to sit at the table with him for dinner while the vamps left for their own haunts. 

Harry grudgingly had to admit that Viktor seemed more likeable in his natural environment than his surly personality in Hogwarts. 

As for Ron… well, he was still as star-struck as ever, even having grown mature about it.  To Ron, Viktor was still the best professional Quidditch Seeker there was, and Harry began to get the distinct feeling that Ron had forgotten all about Viktor’s transgressions from the fourth year. 

So Ron and Viktor talked animatedly over dinner while Harry somewhat picked at his food. 

Stefanya and Gavril continued to make appearances in spite of their harried nursemaids and Viktor’s repeated attempts to send them back to their rooms.  They seemed to have taken an avid fascination of Harry and Ron. 

Ron, for his girth and red hair, and Harry, for his glasses and oddly dancing raven locks.  Ron, having spent a lot of time entertaining his nieces and nephew whenever he went to visit Bill, knew his way around children.  They liked him, but they didn’t pick on him, because Ron had practice getting them to listen.  Harry, however, had no such aptitude.  They picked and poked, observing him like some sideshow freak, and being the clueless single bloke that he was, Harry had no idea how to tell them no without yelling at them and causing them to cry. 

So he stammered and dodged while they climbed all over him, pulling at his glasses and his hair. 

“They are excited by new people,” Viktor explained apologetically.  He spoke something in Bulgarian, after which Stefanya jumped down from Harry’s seat, taking his glasses with her and breaking them in the process.

Harry stifled a sigh while Gavril hung off his arm.  This dinner was taking far too long. 

“Stefanya,” came a gentle voice behind them.  “Gavril.  Pruilchno.”

Whatever Hermione said, it caused the children to hang back and leave him alone.  They lined up by their uncle and smiled shyly at Hermione as she glided in with Lucien and Solomon in tow. 

“Harry is too nice to tell you no,” she told them in a quiet but firm tone.  “Now be good and listen to your chicho.”

Viktor said something to them in Bulgarian, yet again.  This time, Harry felt something being shoved in his hand. It was his glasses.

“Erm, thanks,” he said, putting them on. 

Stefanya giggled as she stared up at him. 

His glasses were lopsided, having been broken at the joint. Viktor seemed to scold her for laughing.

A tiny smile formed on Hermione’s lips as she sat beside him on the dinner table.  She whipped out her wand, waved it at his glasses and the glasses, as always, repaired itself smartly under her expert spellwork. 

He readjusted his glasses on his face.  “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome,” she replied, squeezing his shoulder briefly before turning her attention to the rest of the company on the dinner table. 

Stefanya and Gavril didn’t bother Harry again.  Instead, they sat behaved on Viktor’s lap until they were too sleepy to protest their being brought to their bedrooms.     

Lucien and Solomon joined Ron and Viktor’s animated discussion about Quidditch, beating down on the Chudley Cannons’ perpetually awful record while Ron defended his favorite team valiantly. 

Predictably, Hermione had very little to contribute to the Quidditch conversation and she sat back on her seat, looking subdued.

Harry wondered if her exposure to the staff had actually exhausted her, or whether she had other things on her mind. 

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