Chapter three

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My eyes shot open in consciousness. Where am I?, I thought. My mind was still a bit foggy as a sudden rush of pain formed quickly in my lower back as the rest of my body was noticeably covered in bruises. I grumbled to myself as I forced myself to get up with all the willpower I had left, making the unbearable pain worse. I looked up and sighed at the surrounding darkness with the only light provided by the moon. Of course it's night, why in hell would karma go easy on me?

I looked around the dark surroundings and sighed tiredly; still in the woods...great. What a shitty situation I got myself in. I stretched out my non-existent muscles slowly and began walking a random direction, hoping to be right. As I dragged my feet on the forest ground, I found myself squinting at the blurred out surroundings. I can't fucking see so this is the best option I have because climbing up that ladder to the treehouse is out of the question hence my aching body.
I caught myself drowsing off every now and then trying desperately to maintain consciousness. As I were just about to collapse into a deep sleep that I desperately needed, I heard a nearby voice and stopped in my tracks and listened closely with a chill crawling up my back leaving traces of tingles and goosebumps.

"Will you shut the hell up, Jeff? You're the reason we have a good possibility of getting caught, asshole," a male voice whispered. The other guy just scoffed.

"Yeah, call me that one more time and I'll kick your teeth in. Anyway, if you let me fucking talk for once, I noticed earlier some kids from the high school running off talking about leaving some kid for dead here, lucky for them having all the fun," a guy, supposedly named Jeff, chuckled lightly with a scratchy voice—kinda hot not gonna lie. I was still frozen in place, too much of a coward to move.

"You think he's still here?" The man asked intrigued in an off voice as if he's been deprived of water all of his life. Jeff laughed sickeningly. The two began walking to my direction and I panicked out of reflex. I hid behind a tree quickly and started hyperventilating. It's okay, they're just guys. What could they do? Stupid anxiety...

"Yeah, hope so. You would like to take some of his organs, I'm guessing you sick fucker," Jeff laughed. Okay. Now I'm freaking out. Their footsteps began to get louder so I have two or die. I stood up hesitantly and took a deep breath. I sprinted towards the treehouse, definitely making my presence known as my converse hit the dirt floor making  the twigs crunch underneath me loudly. Oh shit, oh shit, I thought in panic.

"Hey, kid!" Jeffrey snickered as the two ran after me. I got to the treehouse and began climbing the ladder with a burning sensation in my chest trying to fight through the pain. I felt a hand pull on my hood making me choke. I tried my best to pull myself up but I lost my grip and fell backwards, making my heart skip multiple beats. I fell off of the ladder and landed on my side, only a foot away from Jeff, probably breaking my ribcage. Jeff pinned me to the ground with one hand and used the other to put a knife to my neck. Beads of sweat formed on my head. I'm the most unreligious person ever, but it couldn't hurt to pray for life?

"Oh," Jeff grimaced, "its you."
I paused and glanced at him before closing my eyes tightly expecting a piercing knife through my eye or something worse. He inspected me closely before getting close enough that our breaths collided.

"Jeff...cops," the guy warned. I heard Jeff mutter something under his breath.

"Let em' be. We're not going to get caught thanks to our little friend here," Jeff smirked as he mostly got off of me, but still pinning me down tightly. My eyes shifted between the two quickly before I finally snatched my arm back from him and immediately jabbed his eye with my elbow. I wiggled out of his firm grip and ran towards the police with my heart racing wild.

"HELP!" I screamed from the top of my lungs. Before I could even take another step, Jeff lunged at me and kneed me in the face. I held my head and winced a bit.

"Listen here you little shit. I decide when the fuck you can get out of my sight. See that guy over there? That's Jack, not like he's relevant. The only thing stopping him from ripping out your organs is me. Are you going to be a good boy and stay quiet?" Jeff asked glaring daggers at me. I nodded quickly, I mean what was I suppose to do? I heard the police walk into the woods, not too far of where we're standing. Jeff shoved my head down and shushed me.

"Who's there?" A man asked. Jeff scoffed.

"Jack and I are clocking out, tell him we went the opposite direction," Jeff ordered but then he paused and snickered, "don't worry we'll be back."
Before I knew it, a bright flashlight shone on me.

"What the hell? It's Officer Jackson's boy! What are you doin' here at night crazy kid?" The Officer asked. I thought of what Jeff told me. I sighed, I mean two psychopaths say they'll be back and I'm not risking my organs being ripped out. Guess I have to use the innocent boy act.

"I—I saw two killers...t-they went the path behind me," I lied to the officers with a heavy stammer. The officers eyed me before having half of the team to the direction I described.

Kill Me Enthusiastically ( Jeff the killer x Male!Reader )Where stories live. Discover now