Disaster in Diagon Alley

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In the morning Jenny was full of excitement, as she was going to be going to Diagon Alley for the first time, to choose her wand. She had heard so much about it from her brother, and had always wanted to go. But her parents had never let her go with them, until now.
She was feeling sick with anticipation, but was excited to be surrounded by wizards and witches from all over England. She wanted to go into every shop, and try everything.
They would all be travelling by floo powder from the fireplace in the great hall of the Potter mansion.
Although Jenny wouldn't be getting robes, her parents had promised her a wand, and a pet of her choice. Just like her brother James, who had chosen an owl, which he had named Flea, as a joke, because it was the beginning of their fathers name, Fleamont.

Before Jenny had a chance to go downstairs, James came into her room to check that she was ready.
"Honestly James. I was just about to make my way down on my own" insisted Jenny.
"Are you sure that you're ready for this Jen? To tell you the truth, you look a bit peaky" asked James.
Jenny rolled her eyes.
"I'm fine James... I guess I didn't sleep that well, but that was just because I'm excited about going to Diagon Alley. Don't tell mum that I look ill, otherwise she won't let me go".
"Fine... I'll see you dowstairs in a minute then" he replied.

*time skip*

Diagon Alley was the most amazing place, that Jenny had ever seen. The streets were flooded with people of all shapes and sizes. She was suddenly assaulted by various smells and colours, that she had never experienced before. She was glad when they reached Ollivanders, as it gave her a break from the noise outside.
Jenny tried at least a dozen wands, but none of them had responded to her. She was beginning to wonder if she was really a witch at all.
Ollivander handed her a new wand, it had a phoenix tail as its core. It was brown, firm, and 10 inches long, which was typically rather small for a wand.
As soon as her fingers touched the wand, she felt a tingling sensation all over her body, and the wand began to feel warm in her hand.
Jenny looked up at Ollivander who smiled.
"Seems like we have found your wand" he said.

After her parents paid for her wand, they went over to the pet shop, where Jenny bought a beautiful tabby kitten, whom she christened Mellow or Mel for short.
James met back up with them at the ice cream parlour as he had left when they arrived to hang out with his friends. He laughed when he heard her kittens name, but admitted that she was very cute.
As they made their way back to the fire grate to go home, Jenny began to feel sick. She had been feeling off all day, but she had just assumed it was some side affect, from the euphoria she was feeling, at being out of the house for once.
She placed her hand on the wall to steady herself, but she misjudged how far away the wall was. So her hand landed on air, and she fell to the floor.

James rushed to her side and took hold of her arm.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
Jenny's eyes met his, and she shook her head.
She tried to push herself off the floor, as she realised that some people had begun to stare. But she didn't have the strength.
Fleamont and Euphemia had realised that their daughter was no longer by their side. So they looked around, and saw her laying on the floor.
"James..." Jenny began.
But she never finished her sentence, as she passed out in her brother's arms.

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