Poison Time

170 3 2

"Normal": Japanese

"Bold Letters": English


It's been a week since Miki's arrival.

She had declared about working hard to improve her skills and to catch up with the school works. And work hard she did. The following homeworks and Phys Ed classes completely showed so much of her progress.

She easily grabbed the basics of knifework and since then, has been improving smoothly, slowly adding her own style and strength, that she finally caught up with the rest of her classmates.

Miki's improvement in knifework is already admirable, but let's not forget about her marksmanship.

"I'm most surprised about your marksmanship, Miki-san. I know that you've been spending more time practing at the shooting range, but how did you get so good?" Okajima questioned as they approached their table at the laboratory.

Yes, Okajima.

Miki had no idea how she ended up talking to Okajima of all people throughout the whole week. Maybe because he sometimes butts in when she and Chiba were talking. Maybe because sometimes he flirts with Hayami and that Miki somehow became her bodyguard from him.

Or maybe because she once saw her ID photo on his phone lockscreen and until now has been trying to make him delete it but to no avail.

"Shooting games." She answered curtly, sitting next to Okuda and, fortunately or unfortunately, in front of Karma, who actually showed up.

Said delinquent looked at her then, "Shooting games?" he's interested, at least.

This is probably the first time she'll talk to him.

Miki nodded, not bothered in the least. "My parents only let me play games that will actually benefit me in real life."

"Assassination aside, how does shooting benefit you in real life?" Though Miki couldn't see it, she could feel Chiba raising his eyebrows.

She shrugged her shoulders, "You're guess is as good as mine. Dunno what they're thinking that time, but am I glad they did," she turned back to Karma, "Gaming consoles like Wii and Xbox 360 are my parents go-to games for me and my Sis. Wait, there's also Guitar Hero but Sis took that from me."

"But haven't the production of the Wii discontinued in Japan?" Hayami asked.

Miki turned to look at her. "Yeah, but my dad ordered one from the US."

"Since it did improved your marksmanship I suppose it wouldn't hurt to try that method," Karma paused, still with a smirk- Miki raised her eyebrow at that, "Mind if I crashed your place sometime?" he offered.

Blinking, she thought about the possibilities of Kitsune being fussy once she brought him to her place. "Good luck on trying to enlighten my sister once you did. That psycho's such a bitch when she sees me with male friends. She'll bite your head off if you're not careful," she warned him.

Karma waved her off dismissively. "Relax~ I'm a psycho too! We'll get along just right."

"Right..." Miki sweatdropped at his nonchalant attitude. 'Surprisingly, he knows what to label himself as...'

"I remember the look she gave me when she saw the three of us together," Chiba recalled last Friday's events.

Hayami nodded, "It's like she wanted you to disappear."

"That's because you're Rena-san's brother," Miki deadpanned.

The foregoing relationship between Kitsune and Rena, she finally learned her name, has not improved for the better at all. In fact, it gradually became worse. Miki apparently had to start mentioning Chiba by his first name because his family name irked her sister a lot. Heck, even saying his given name would sometimes annoy her for no apparent reason.

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