Transfer Student Time - 1st Period (part 2)

193 5 2

"Normal": Japanese

"Bold Letters": English


"And that concludes today's lesson..."

The bell rang, signaling the end of classes as well as the start of lunch time.

"Lunch time!" Korosensei said cheerfully. "I'm going to Thailand for curry! Goodbye!" And with that, the octopus teacher sped off.

Just a seat from Karma's left, Miki sighed in relief as she started to put away her messy notes.

'Guess I'll have to organize those at home...'

Japanese and Modern Literature are just some things that are not compatible with her brain. Memorizing kanjis, slangs, colloquialisms , or idioms are just an easy feat for her, but reading comprehension with really deep words that she haven't even heard of? Nuh uh.

Korosensei was kind enough to have Miki attend his "Slippy-Sloppy Intensive Study Sessions" to help her with certain subjects that requires too much Japanese for her to handle.

Maths and English are no problem since they don't require her brain to automatically translate every single syllable. Although Bitch-sensei's lesson can be quite mortifying if Miki had to be honest.

'Science, Social Studies, and the rest of the secondary subjects are the ones that I should be worried about. But for now...'

Miki thought as she noticed a bunch of her classmates are on their way to her desk.

'Improving my Japanese is my first priority.'

The first two people to approach her seems to be the class representatives, given by the air of responsibility they held around them.

"We are the class representatives. I am Kataoka Megu," the tall girl introduces herself. Then pointing at a black spiky haired boy beside her, "and this is Isogai Yuuma. If you have any questions about the school, let either of us know."

"We can give you a tour around the campus, now, if you're okay with it." The boy, Isogai, says.

They all waited for her answer.

Miki then smiled lightly in return. "How about later after school? If that's fine with you two."

"That's okay with us, right, Isogai-kun?" Kataoka turned to her fellow class representative.

Isogai nodded in reply. "Right. We were also going to plan ways to assassinate Sensei, so doing the tour later won't be a problem at all."

"Right, anyway, if you have any ideas of assassinating Sensei, let us know as well." Kataoka answers. "See you."

And with that, they went to their own group.

Miki then proceeded to bring out her bento as a bubbly girl approached her next.

"Hiya! My name's Kurahashi Hinano!" A hand was shove to her face by the smiling girl with short wavy orange hair and peridot green eyes.

Miki's small smile widened at the newcomer's energy, she gladly took the offered hand with her left hand. "Hello."

"Soooo, Yamazaki-san is from where in Canada?" Kurahashi asked; the smile on her face was present still.

"Just Miki is fine."

"Huh?" Green eyes looked at Miki in confusion. Every other curious classmates were just listening in on them, confusion also on their faces.

"You can call me Miki. Everyone can call me that. We don't use surnames at home when talking to others." Miki reworded, addressing not only Kurahashi but every eavesdropping classmates as well, who at least had the decency to look sheepish.

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