"I'm so sorry" I say "it's fine. It's not everyday I bump into someone as pretty as you"

I couldn't help myself but blush. "Jimmy. Jimmy Darling" he held out his hand and I shook it

"Well Jimmy Darling, thank you for the compliment and you don't look so bad yourself"

He smiled "here lemme help you with that" " no no I got it"I place my hand over the box "where I'm from men should always tend to the woman. Even if the woman is as strong as you" he said and took the box from my hands

He slightly stumped because of how heavy the box was

I tried my hardest not to laugh. I told him I had it

It was a box full of Olivia's spell books. "Any chance you collect rock?" He laughed. "Nope just some books". He raises his eyebrows "she reads? You just keep getting better and better"

I laughed and he walked the box to the dorm. Olivia and Brie told me they were going to look for food so I wasn't surprised when they weren't there

He set the box down and took a sigh of exhaustion then looked at me "thanks" I said "no problem. Hey I never caught your name"


"Well, Isabella, would it be weird if I asked you to a get together the school is hosting?" "Judging by the fact that we just met, I think so. You could be a serial killer for all I know" he chuckled and said "well how about a movie? We'll go out and I'll show you how fun I am"

"Tempting but sorry no"

"Worth a shot. Well I live in the apartments next to state hall if you ever need me"

He started to walk out and I was going to let him but something came over me then I said "wait" he stopped and turned to me with a cute little sly smirk

"I'll go with you. To the movie" he chuckled "I'll be here at 3"

I start to unpack the box when I heard "made new friends?" I look up and it's Ethan

"Yeah. That's fine right? Friends can have friends"

"Yeah totally. But it seems to me that jimmy wants to be something more than that"

I softly hit him in the shoulder "Did you follow us?"

"No. Just looking out for a friend. In fact I actually wanted to invite you to the get together" "well as you heard I've already been asked" I cross my arms. He steps closer and smirks "but you didn't really say yes to him"

"Ok so what makes you think ill say yes to you?"

"My dashing good looks and my ability to sweep any girl off her feet"

"we'll see"


After the movie we were both in Jimmys car laughing about it

"No but seriously that was the worst movie ever" I say

"Are you kidding? It was great"

"It was just too much chaos and death" "death was great. Chaos was great. Chaos is what killed the dinosaur"

"You know there's still time for that party" he says "let's go then"

Once I arrived to the party with Jimmy we went to an area to talk

The party looked like your average college party with kegs and red solo cups all over the place

"So is this your first year here?" He shouted over the banging bass of the music

"Yeah. What about you?" "Second. I'm studying communications, how about you?" "Same"

"Well you're gonna love it, especially if you get Ms. Stevens as a teacher" he smiles

A figure walked up towards Jimmy and put his arm around him

"Isabella no time no see" Kevin said with a smile

"Hey" I get up to hug him

"How do you know her?" Jimmy asked him. "Oh what I can't know beautiful girl?" "No you can't know a cool girl"

Kevin shoves him a little. "A friend from high school"

"Wait wait wait...you went to high school with him?" He looks at me in shock. I nod and smile and he says "woah. So you're a freshman?"

I cross my arms "Yeah and what are you?"


I nod and Kevin walks away. "So how are you two related?" I ask Jimmy

"Little brother. As you can see I got the cool genes" I looked at him with confusion

"He was on a trip when it happened. He's all I have left"

"Anyways I'm gonna go get us some drinks"

Once he left, Ethan swooped in right behind him

"So you're spying on me now" I question him

"No just simply admiring" he says with a smirk

"It's creepy"

"It's friendly"

"Would friends do that?"

"Yes, friends who had sex once and basically confessed how much they loved each other would indeed do that. And they would also ask each other to dance" he nods his head to the dance floor

I stand there "but Jim-" "I know you're gonna say yes to me so let's just go" he says in a cocky voice but I still went with him

Brie's POV

I walked in and saw Grayson looking at the dancing crowd with a red solo cup in his hand all alone

"So you're not gonna dance?" "Why should I?" "Because we are in college now and it's time you stop acting so serious all the time"

"I'm not serious" "uh yes you are. Oh come on you're in a room with drunk hot sorority girls, you're single and you're...you" he turns to me and raises an eyebrow

"So what am I supposed to do, pick up some girl and bring her on the dance floor?"

"No" I laugh. "just, have fun" he puts his eyes on the crowd "look it's time you be a little bit optimistic"

He pouts his lip and nods "fine"

He gives me his cup and picks me up and carries me to the ground. I punch his back "What are you doing?" "I'm being optimistic"

Isabella's POV

"Hey remember your first dance at our school?" He asked. I laughed and said "yeah you threatened me"

"and look at us now. So where's Jimmy? I'm thinking of challenging him to a dance off" he dances dramatically

I laughed

"And how do you know if you'll win?" I ask "are you kidding me? Have you seen my moves?" He grabs me spins me around making me fall into the arms of another


I stopped and looked at him "Grayson Dolan on a dance floor with a red solo cup...I must be dreaming"

"I decided it's time I chill out" "are you sure that wasn't from the persuasion of a perky blonde" he chuckled

Ethan's POV

"So how are you and Isabella?" "Good to know you still care"

"I don't. I just care about my friend" "we're how we've always been. How are you and Grayson?"

"There is no me and Grayson"

I give her a look

"Plus I'm still with Dylan" "are you kidding? That dude is a total joke" "well I like him" "of course you do. Just don't get carried away"

"Good to know you still care"

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