7 Minutes to be in Denial

Start from the beginning

Suddenly, Mark’s hands started sliding down towards my butt. His mouth started down towards my neck. My head was scream for him to stop. I placed my hands on his chest and lightly pushed him away from me. “Don’t you think you’re moving too fast?”

Mark shook his head, “Not really.” With his hands on my waist, he pulled me closer.

I stepped back, “Well I do.” I clenched onto my bag a little tighter. Getting ready to run if I needed to.

We both stood still a few tense filled, silent, moments. Finally Mark spoke. “You’re right. I’m sorry, Mariya.”

I eyed him for a few seconds, then sighed, “It’s alright. You just got carried away.”

“Yeah.” His face looked a bit embarrassed, but his eyes didn’t mirror his face. I ignore it.

“I better get going.” I told him and I started to back away from him, turning my back towards him.

“Will. you call me later?” He asked from behind me, making me turn around.

I grinned, “Maybe. Maybe not” I raised an eyebrow,. “Maybe if you ask nicely.”

He scoffed, “Talk me later. Please?”

My grin grew bigger. “Sure. Later.” I turned and didn’t wait for a reply. I made my way to the escalator going to the first level. Almost down, I see a figure standing in a red flannel at the bottom. Waiting. “Austin?”

“Hey.” His voice was hard to define. It had a little happiness and excitement to it, but was mostly hard and cold.

“You’re here.” I smiled at the sight of him. My heart fluttered. My hands started to sweat. I couldn’t help the feelings I was feeling. It just popped up inside of me.

“We need to talk.” He started walking away from the escalator. I followed him.

My smile faded pretty quickly. “About what? Wait- Why didn’t you show up at cinema? I waited for you.”

“Not alone.” I heard him murmur. He stopped at a bench and sat down.

I followed in suit. “What?” All I wanted to know was why he didn’t show. What was he going on about?

Not answering my question he said, “I heard that Mark guy from the party talking to you outside your house last night.”

I blinked. “Oh.” Was that he didn’t come? Because of Mark? “What did you hear?”

“That Mark invited himself today and you let him because you like him.”

“Well, I thought you wouldn’t mind. It’s not like this was a date.” I could tell Austin was getting upset. I didn’t know why though.

“Look, I know you like Mark and all, but stay clear of him. He’s bad news.” He looked at me with serenity.

But I couldn’t believe what he was saying. “What do you mean? Mark’s not bad news.” Wait. One thing doesn’t make sense. What was Austin doing back at my house? “What were you doing back at my house last night?”

“Mark is only using you, Mariya.” Austin’s voice started to escalate. “He doesn't like you. He’s only going to hurt you, Mariya.”

“Stop telling me what Mark’s going to do.” Now, I was getting upset. “You don’t know him at all. Now tell me what you were doing at my house last night.”

“I went back to your house to get my ring back.” He took a deep breath. “Seriously though, stay. Away. From Mark.”

Who did he think he was? My father? I stood up and dug around in my bag. Taking out his ring, I clenched it in a fist. “You have no right to tell who I should stay away from. You are not my father, Austin. And here’s your stupid ring back.” I threw it at him and walked away. Without looking back.

I went straight home. As I started my way up the stairs to my room, my mom stopped me. “Oh. honey, here. This is for you.” My mom handed me a small rectangular box.

“What’s in it?” I asked her. Shaking the box, like it was christmas morning. Minus the enthusiasm

She shrugged. “Open it and find out.” Then she walked to living room where dad was sitting on the couch.

I glanced at the box with simple curiosity. I continued my way to my room, closing the door behind me. I dropped my bag on the bed and sat down, crossing my legs. I juggled the box from hand to hand, before settling it in my left hand and opening it.

A cell phone? Why would mom get my a phone, when I already have one? I took the phone out of the box. There was a papery feeling in the back. I turned the phone over and found a folded piece of notebook paper taped on the back. I took the paper off and opened it.


I know you’re probably not all too happy with me right now, but I thought you deserved to know the truth. Please turn on the phone, my pin is 5051. Go to camera. Watch the latest video labeled ‘Mark’.

When you’re done watching the video, please return my phone to me at ‘our’ bench at the park. At 6.

I’ll be waiting.


I couldnt’ believe it. Austin gave my mom his phone to give to me. To watch a video. About Mark. I wanted to smash the phone into a million tiny piece, put those pieces into the box, and give the box back to Austin. All the while telling him to stay out of my love life forever.

Instead, I put in the pin to his phone, opened the camera app, and opened to the video labeled ‘Mark'.

7 minutes in Heaven (Love Games #1)Where stories live. Discover now