7 Minutes to Spy on Mark

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After I started to make my way away from Mariya’s house, I remembered she still had my ring. I smiled at my forgetfulness, knowing that I would get to see her again before tomorrow. I turned on my heel and practically ran back to Mariya’s house.

“Mariya.” My mouth was opened, but the sound wasn’t mine. Taking small steps closer to the edge of Mariya’s property, I peeked from behind a hedge, being careful that Mariya couldn’t see me.

I saw a stumbling figure walking towards Mariya. Someone from the party. His figure and clothes looked familiar, I was having a hard time remembering when I’ve seen him. Then it hit me. The piece of paper that Mariya took from him. It was that guy.

I saw her smile at him. It made my heart sink. “Drunk, I see.”

“Mostly sober, now.” Even though his back was facing me, I could hear the smile in Mark’s voice. A smile I wanted to slap off his face. “So, what are you doing tomorrow?” I didn’t like the way he asked. He asked like he knew about our plans tomorrow, but he wanted to be invited. Don’t tell him Mariya. Don’t be fooled.

I saw her point to herself. “Me?” I could tell she was nervous, but was trying hard not to show it. “Not much, just going to the cinema with a friend.” Friend? That was hardly the word to describe us. Friends don’t make out.

He touched her arm, caressed it. I knew what he was trying to do. He was playing with her. And she was losing his game. “What time?” He asked her.

“One.” I heard her say. By this point, i was grinding my teeth and was ready to walk up there and tell Mark that he was not invited to go with us to the cinema. I saw Mark kiss her cheek. A small smile formed on Mariya’s face. My stomach started to churn. Mark started to make his way back to the sidewalk. I squeezed behind the hedge, so he would see me.

After he was far gone, I peeked out to see Mariya holding her cheek with her eyes closed. Like she was breathing in the feeling of his lips on her cheek. My heart fell. Did she really like the guy that much?

She was walking back to her front door, while was mentally debating rather or not to confront her. I took another glance at her. She looked so love struck that I suddenly didn’t feel like talking to her. Instead, I turned away from her and ran all the way home.

I opened my front door and ignored my mom’s greeting. I just handed her my dad’s prescription and headed upstairs to my room. I dropped my jacket on the floor and went into my bathroom. Undressing, I turned on the water. I stood in the shower, letting the water relax my body and wishing it could do the same with my mind.

After numbly taking a shower, I got dressed in a simple white tee and some pajama bottoms. Then I climbed into my bed and closed my eyes. But sleep didn’t come that easy. Not when my mind was replaying Mark kissing Mariya’s cheek, and her expression after he left.

Hearing a knock on my door, I heard my mother’s voice. “Austin? Can I come in?”

Sighing and turning on my side, I answered, “Sure, mom.”

She opened the door and walked to my bed. Behind me I felt her lightlyplace her hand in my shoulder. “Was the party that bad?”

7 minutes in Heaven (Love Games #1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora