Chapter 2

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Olivia's POV:


My name is Olivia Cartez and I was homeless for three and a half years. I'm almost eighteen and last year when I was seventeen, a guy named Malik Ortega saved me.  

My mom is in prison for murder so I won't be seeing her again, my father committed suicide, I'm the only child and out of the little family I have, no one cares about me which is cliche. 

I would've been in an orphanage system, but I wasn't because I know what goes down in there and I chose to be homeless instead of being somewhere where I'm fighting to get into a home where there are people that would mistreat me even if they took me in, or not being capable of getting into a good home because no one wants me. I took my chances on the streets and I've made it through those three years like a soldier.

It's funny how one moment your life is normal and in a blink of an eye, it's a whole different ballgame. Things happen and some people don't live off faith because of what happened to them. Some people don't expect to be saved, they expect to be alone forever and to just drown in their horrible lifestyle. I still can't believe I was the one to be saved because honestly, I didn't want to be.

remember that night like it was yesterday. It was raining really hard and I was on the street, freezing when this foot stepped on me. That foot belonged to Malik and he apologized and tried his best to take me to his house where it was "warm and dry."  No one picks up strangers off the street unless its prostitution and I was definitely not doing that, nor was I hitchhiking. Being the overthinker I am, I refused because this guy could've been a serial killer or anything and I was not going out like that.

He stood in the freezing rain for so long I have no idea how long it was, begging for me to get in his car because he didn't "want me to die" out there. The thing that got me was when he started rambling and he sounded sincere and non-killer like I guess? He seemed really innocent and he started talking about his mom and his vibe was very refreshing and to make the long story short, I went home with him, met his mother and family and  his mother found a way to get my background papers, get me back into school and  become my legal guardian, every since then,  I ended up living with them. 

It honestly sounds like something straight out of a movie because things like that don't happen in real life. I mean what if I was a killer or something and I could've killed Malik. In my opinion, I feel like picking up a random stranger and moving them in with you without finding out who they are is crazy! No one should do that, no matter how good of a heart they have because you never know what could happen. But honestly, I am soooo glad that Malik saved me from those streets.

I feel really welcomed and like I belong, and it's been a while since I've felt that and it feels really good. Malik (Lika) is an amazing guy, he does my hair, he takes up for me when his jealous ex verbally abuses me, he clearly saw the good in me because he took me off the streets and till this day, a year later, he still hasn't told me that I owe him for what he has done for me, he's the true definition of a knight in shining armor. 

His mom is literally the sweetest person I've ever met in my life, she also takes care of me, and treat me like I'm actually family, she's the reason why I have an education again, she buys me clothes and essentials, basically everything I need and I'm blessed to have her and Malik in my rocky life because, without them, I'd still be homeless and possibly dead.

Malik's best friend Chris is amazing and he makes me comfortable considering the fact that I have social anxiety and I'm afraid to talk to anybody I don't know. He makes the best out of bad situations, he speaks true facts, genuinely sweet and happy, he accepts me for who I am and even though he was skeptical about Malik taking me in, he came around and has been treating me like a friend, everybody needs somebody like him in their life. 

Last but not least, my best friend Cameron, I met him when I started living with Malik and GaGa (his mom). He was new to the neighborhood and the next day he came over and we clicked just like that. He's extremely funny, caring, passionate, loving and crazy. I love him more then I love myself and I'd be lying to you if I said that I Love myself. Cameron isn't judgmental, when I told him about my past, he took me back to the first street I was homeless on and told me that just because that's where my crisis came from, that doesn't mean that I belong there forever and that I deserve to be happy. He also has this beautiful daughter named Loliana who's  five months old. Cameron is a young father, but I've never seen anybody love their child as much as he loves LoLo.

He keeps my head above water when all I want to do is drown, him, Malik, Gaga, and Chris keep me sane in this cruel world and maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to live through my pain.

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