Insane Part 2

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This is dedicated fanficreader666 Thank you so much for supporting me in every way, it means so much too me! I hope you enjoy this, and if not I will rewrite this and you can tell me what you want to happen :) Thanks again!

Mark walks through the halls that had blank white wall, they were so void of color it made Mark uncomfortable. Mark shivers and he walks, why was it always so damn cold he could never figure it out. He scans his identification card through the slot to open the door. The slot turned green and the door hissed open.

The brown haired male keep walking until he reaches room number '1024', he smiles lightly as he reaches out and turns the handles. The door opens and he looks around the room he has been in multiple times. It is the same blank walls with a single bed and a toilet. He sees Ethan sitting on his bed facing the wall, "Ethan." Mark says gently as he walks over to the boy. The blue eyed boy turned around too see Mark standing there with his arms open inviting the shorter boy into a hug. Ethan immediately smiles and throws himself at Mark. Mark loses his breath at the force of Ethan slamming into him. 

"You got your hair cut?" Mark questions as he sees the blue gone from Ethans hair. 

Ethan looks up and Mark and detaches himself from the hug. Ethan stands a few inches away from Mark and runs a hand through his hair, "Yeah, I wanted to look more like you..." Ethan trails off as he looks to the right to smile and stare at something he can't see. Marks heart grows at what Ethan says. 

Ethan turns around sharply too look at Mark, his eyes serious and his mouth in a line. Mark should be used to the sudden change it mood since Ethan does it a lot, but he would be lying if he said he was taken back by the change. Ethan's eyes narrow as the glare holes into Mark. Mark gulps and waits for Ethan to say something, "Did you see my dog?" 

Marks eyes widen, that was not what he was expecting. He wipes the sweat from his head and repeats, "Your dog?" 

Ethan nods, "Yeah. My dog. Did you see him?" 

Mark shakes his head slowly, "No I haven't." 

Ethan suddenly smiles and his change in mood, once again, shocked Mark. "Would you like to see him?  His name is Max." Mark nods as he watches Ethan move too his bed, Ethan kneels and looks under his bed, "Come on out Max, come on." 

Mark laughs lightly at Ethan as Ethan continues to call his dog in a somewhat high voice. Mark watches as Ethan walks over to him looking as if he is holding something, even though in reality he isn't. Mark plays a long, he doesn't want to hurt his Ethan's feeling. Ethan pets the "dog" and gets closer to Mark and smiles, "Isn't he a cutie?" Mark nods and pets the air and Ethan starts laughing, Mark blushes and puts his arm down by his side, "What?" He questions. Ethan giggles and says, "You are petting his butt." Mark feels his face grow hot and coughs, "whoops?" He offers with a small shrug. 

Ethan continues talking about his dog, but consistently looking at things Mark still cannot see. 

"Hey, whats that?" Mark questions as he sees bruises on Ethan's stomach when the blue haired boy stretches. Ethan shrugs and says, "My punishments." Mark raises his eyebrows and worry is gnawing at his stomach, "What do you mean?" 

Ethan lies down on his bed and Mark can see the dark black and purple bruises all over Ethan's pale stomach. "I do bad, and I get punished." Ethan replies simply.

Marks face pales and his stomach drops, they weren't suppose to be hurting the inmates right? Is there rules against that? Mark had no idea, but he hated they were hurting such an amazing person as Ethan. Mark pulls out his phone and looks up the law of how inmates were suppose to be treated, he grimaces as he reads. They were technically allowed to get hurt if it was all for the name of "science" and "helping the person". 

He shoves his phone is his pocket and lays a hand on the bruises, he frowns when Ethan winces, "I am so sorry Ethan. I wish I could always protect you but I can't. Please stay strong for me." He looks into Ethans eyes and sees the usually far away look in them but he hears a small "alright" that comes from the younger boy mouth. He smiles lightly and leans forward and kisses the bruises that line the boys stomach. When he is done he looks up and sees Ethan's face bright red.

Mark wanted to punch who ever said that people in asylums or with mental illness, he wanted to punch anyone that hurt Ethan and he wanted to punch anyone who made the law without really thinking about the outcomes.

Mark and Ethan jump as a banging comes from the door and a gruff voice saying Mark had to leave. Mark frowns and looks at Ethan, who is now sitting up. "I promise I will be back tomorrow." Ethan nods with a smile on his face and leans forward and places a kiss on Mark's forehead. Ethan leans back and Mark feels his heart pounding against his ribs, and blood rushing in his ears. 

Mark stands up and smiles gently at Ethan, "Goodbye Ethan. I will see you tomorrow." 

Mark walks out of the door as he waves to Ethan, and Ethan waves back. The door shuts quietly and Mark starts making his way out of the building, smiling to himself.

Mark did keep his promise, he met Ethan the next day and the next day and everyday after that. He had fallen in love with Ethan, even though he could never be with the said boy, he was still happy he could see the shining blue eyes and the smile everyday, and that was all that mattered to Mark.

A/N: Hai guys! I hope you enjoyed and once again this is dedicated to fanficreader666 ! Anyway! I hope I can update more! 2 days until Christmas! I hope everyone has a great holiday, and as always I will see you, in the next video!! Ba-baiiii

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