False Friend

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There were once two friends, named Qassim and Burhan, who went camping at one of the state's National Parks.

After erecting their tent, they decided to take a short walk through the forest, before the sun set. Qassim had a sprained ankle, so they strolled slowly, talking while on their mobile phones along the way.

They agreed that anything dangerous could happen to them at any time in this wilderness especially when they were both unfamiliar with the surroundings. So they promised each other that they would remain united in any risky situations.

Suddenly, from behind the bushes some 10 metres ahead, a large brown bear appeared and started to approach them.

Burhan, without a single word, ran away quickly and climbed the tallest tree behind them, forgetting about his friend with the sore foot. Qassim, shocked that his friend had fled, knew that he was unable to rush anywhere nor climb any trees. So being led by his common sense, Qassim laid down on the ground immediately, holding his breath, pretending to be dead.

The brown bear soon came near Qassim, smelling his ears for several minutes before slowly leaving the place, looking for food elsewhere. Step by step the bear walked away without looking back.

Now, Burhan, upon confirming that they are now safe, climbed down the tall tree. He ran to his friend who was slowly trying to get up from the ground.

"Qassim, what did the bear whisper in your ears? It seemed to have told you a secret," Burhan asked cheekily.

Qassim, brushing off some dirt and dried leaves off his clothes sharply replied, "The bear advised me not to trust a false friend."



A true Friend is the one who always supports and stands by you no matter what.

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