Chapter 2 ~ April

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The Next Girl

Chapter 2

*Flashback* (Before the picture thing and before she went home) 

"What do you call the hole in your ass?" I quizzed, moving near him.

"Butthole? Asshole?" He tried, I was completely shocked, I honestly expecting him to respond to that. Looks like I just found a doofus! Do I get ay prize for that?

"Well that is what I called you!" I snapped sassily, turning around quickly and started making my way through the crowd that started surrounding us. I felt like a total queen! I won the fight people! I had almost successfully made it, if it wasn't for the big, rough hand that grabbed my arm and pulled  me back, making me stumble few times.

"People! Classmates! Fellow schoolmates!" He called, getting the attention of the people around us. He didn't need to that because everyone already had their eyes on us, watching our every move. Oh the perks of Mason being popular, note thesarcasm! He pulled me right beside me and winked at me, I made a face, and he rolled his eyes.

"Did you know that April May Jones," he looked at me. Please don't tell me that he's doing what i'm thinking. Anything! Just not this! Please!

"...has parents who she had never spent a week straight with. In fact, she grew up with her now dead grandmother. This is just one of the proofs that nobody loves her! I mean, even her parents, who are the owner of the Jones' Hotel that has 78 branches all over the world never showed affection ever since she was born!" He announced, smiling smugly, proud of what he did. I broke down, not caring who would see. Who cares if they see me crying! What he said was all true. Nobody has ever loved me! Not even my parents, for Pete's sake! Only 2 person on this Earth loves me,

used to love me. But now, I have no one. My amazing grand mother died, the other person changed, not in a good way. I let my walls fall down. Mason had no idea of how many times I cried to myself to sleep! I had to wake up alone, with a silent house, wet pillow, and maids roaming around the house. Money doesn't always answer everything. But for my parents, it did.

I sat on the floor, whispers were to be heard around me, getting more silent, meaning that they left. Altough, I felt onemore presence, I looked up to see Mason, for a moment I saw his eyes soften. But then it went away with a blink of an eye. It was replaced my a smirk. Then he left, leaving me to cry all by myself.

* * *

I woke up with the wet pillows, silent house, the maids were downstairs so I couldn't here much. I went to my bathroom, locking the door for privacy. I then looked up to my reflection. What if I change my physical appearance? What if I became more skinnier, more beautiful. Would everyone love me? Will that bring my parents love me? I washed my tear-stricken face. Everytime I look at my reflection, I grimace, why can't I be a normal girl, with a normal family? Why does things have to be complicated for me? I then exited the room, my mind determined to look beautiful. I opened my wardrobe and changed my clothes. I then tied my hair back into a ponytail, and started walking down. 

"Marissa?" I called my personal maid, she was a 20 year old woman, she was very beautiful, in fact, I do tend to be insecure everytime I see her. 

She rushed in front of me, "Yes, Ms. April?"

"Can you please call an instructor? I want a person who is one of the best in making a person lose pounds," I told her.

"Yes Ms!" she responded, immediately walking towards the yellow pages, next to the telephone.

I heard her talk and soon she hung up, "Ms. April, he's coming over later at 1," she informed. Okay, everything is good so far, "Ms. April, not to offend or anything but, aren't you supposed to be getting ready for school?"

Oh right!

* * *

I walked through the school hallway, getting myself ready for another day in prison. Honestly, I am quite scared, like how a kid is afraid of the dark, or how a 4 year old kid scared of the monster that is under her or his bed, scared that it may grab her or his foot and drag them under their bed. Although, I'm not scared about the monster since when I was younger, tons of things were placed under my bed, making it packed. 

I got bumped several times, making me lose my balance. Once I reached my locker, I unlocked it, then brought my things out.

"Oh! Who do we have here! If it isn't the little miss unloved!" Someone mocked behind me. Unfortunately, I knew that voice. Well then, go ahead and guess who it is? 

Surprise! Surprise! It's Mason Aiden Philipps! I mean, who else would be so vicious to rub it in my face that I am unloved, like rocks. Oh wait! Rocks are more loved than I am, I mean there are geologists who are oh-so interested in those things.

I let out a deep breath, "What Philipps?"I said, I believe that it is utterly obvious that I am irked by his presence. I can't even stand to think that we are breathing in the some air! Terrible, right!

He laughed along with his so-called friends, I furrowed my eyebrows, are they okay, should I call the mental hospital or something. "Let's go guys," one of his friends said, soon all of them are walking away, except for one. 

"Looks like you have a little friend hanging out your nostrills." He whispered in my ear. His hot breath hitting the skin below my ear, causing me to shiver a little bit. He smirked at what happened.

Once he turned around I quickly grabbed my handkerchief to remove that thing. I heard him chuckle, how embarrassing!

* * *

Hi guys!

Sorry for the mistakes, whether gramatical errors or spelling...

Thanks for reading!



Good day, or night, depending on what time it is there! 


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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2014 ⏰

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