Hurt And Comfort 2

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First thing Harry did was panicking . He had hurt severus. One thing albus had said not to do. Second thing, he realized his mate was hurt with the fact that he said he was forced. Harry sighed. What should he do now...

After a few minute of thinking he followed where his mate has gone and knocked on the door " severus" he said gently.

Severus ignored Harry, trying not to cry. Harry knocked again "severus, please open the door". Severus ignored him again, not wanting to talk right now. Harry knocked again and again. He finally decided to open the door by force. Severus backed up and sobbed when Harry broke in.

Harry's heart broke when he saw his beloved professor like this, this was still Snape, the professor he had crush on and he was now bonded too.

Severus was backed up in the wall, crying. His tail was curled up in itself and ears were flat on his head. He was looking down. Harry remembered the flash backs when his father had bullied severus. He felt awful and immediately went to hug severus.

Severus struggled for while then gave in "go away!" he shouted ". Harry's heart broke further." severus, i didn't mean what I said, i was just annoyed you were avoiding me , I don't feel like you forced me all ". Harry said.

Severus just sobbed and feel asleep in Harry's arms. Harry picked him up and lays him on his bed but couldn't bear to leave him so he laid beside severus and went to sleep.

When severus awoke next time, he found Himslef securely pressed up against something warm. This was new to him. He had never remembered waking him with someone. He took a deep breath and immediately recognized his mates smell.

Harry smiled as his mate's eyes flickered open . He looked at severus for quite a while then spoke up "severus, I really didn't mean what I said. I always had crush on you even as adult and now as my mate, I still love you. I was just frustrated you wouldn't talk to me, I felt alone even whole being with you" he explained.

Severus's eyes widened at hearing this. His mate..... Loved him?. He couldn't believe it so his only answer was "liar".

Harry understood that it would take some time to make severus trust him and earn his love so he looked at severus again and pressed his lips against his mate's "severus, I am not lying, please understand, I do love you, what should I do to prove it you" Harry almost begged sincerely.

Severus was silent for a while then he threw his arms against Harry pulling him in tight hug "i love you too... I didn't want to force you, and I thought you loved Ms weasly so..." severus trailed off.

Harry smiled and he pets his neko "no, I always loved you". Harry said in severus's ears.

Severus didn't know what to say. This was first time anyone had said that they loved him. Sure lily was his best friend but she hadn't loved him this way. As severus laid his head in Harry's chest he thought about the future. He thought about the restart in life he got. And he thought about what about he do for his mate in the Christmas that was coming soon.

As severus laid his head on Harry's chest, there was only one thing in his mind. Severus and him would never separate.

Even after the death.

The end.

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