The Accident

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I do not own any of the characters or the pictures, only the plot.

Snape glared at the couldron like he was going to kill it. No, like he was going to torture the life out of it but sadly, this was his best couldron. He had it made to do his experimental potions, it was shatter proof and didn't rust, it was finest of its kind.

But that certainly didn't help that he was standing infront of it right now, drenched in potion that had gone wrong. He wasn't  disappointed , it was his first time making it and he knew what he had done wrong, and he knew what ingredients he should research more - he was smart and patient man after all.

But his glare was fixed on cauldron becuase it was getting bigger and taller... Or rather, he was getting smaller. He is trying to figure out what on earth happened, and he feels hotter, more sensetive. He suspected that the last ingredients and the remain of nagini's venom in his system has reacted, because the felt his magic coming back , completely and his constant  aching vanished but in return, he was small. Small and a.... A half animal. As he did notice his tail that curled up in his leg.

In distant, he heard his door opening with bang and shouting. He could make out the voice of headmaster, Minerva, draco and all three golden trio but before he could say anything, there was blackness in eyes and he fainted.

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