"Will you let them give you something?" Liz asked. "I can have Suzie bring up your emergency supply of milk. We can feed them so you can rest."

Meryl was hesitant. "I don't know. They already don't have their father; I want them to be able to depend on me."

"And they can, sweetie; however, if you have a relapse or get an infection or collapse from stress and exhaustion then they won't have either of their parents. And you won't be any good to Don when he wakes up." Liz pointed out. "You just had another surgery. You're in pain."

Meryl looked at her friend. "Can I snuggle with them and feed them before I let them give me something?"

"Of course." Liz smiled. "Dr. Reid said they would give you something that is safe for Brady and Mags so you can nurse right when you wake up if they're hungry. We just wouldn't wake you up when they're hungry."

Meryl played with Don's wedding band on his left ring finger and growing when she noticed it looked swollen and red. "If Don wakes up though or the babies won't calm down and they won't take a bottle..."

"We will wake you up." Liz assured her friend. "You are an amazing partner and wife to Don; and an amazing mother to all your children. Rest; do that for him, Mags, Brady and your other kids. You can't go on like this for another day. You need to rest."

Meryl nodded. "You sure you and Larry don't mind? I know I've been leaning on you two..."

"We wouldn't have it any other way." Liz smiled. "Besides, Larry is hoping I will get my baby fix."

Meryl kissed Don's hand. "Okay; I'll do it. For him. For them. I'll sleep."


Meryl had just finished feeding Mags and was now kissing her head and holding her close as she sat in the recliner next to Don's bed while Liz had just finished changing Brady when there was a knock on the door. Liz looked at Meryl who nodded so she answered the door and saw her husband on the other side. "She's done if you want to come in, honey."

"Well, I was hoping we could take the babies and get her to sleep but that is going to have to wait." Larry said kissing his wife's cheek as she opened the door further. "M, you have a visitor."

Meryl was confused. She knew it wasn't the kids. She had talked to Third and Maeve and they couldn't get there; Mary was staying with Dana so he wouldn't know anything. She knew Don's Indiana family wouldn't be able to come either. "Who is it?"

"It's Detective Wilcox; the detective who talked to us after Don's accident yesterday." Larry explained. "I guess there's some new developments and they want to talk to you."

Meryl took a deep breath as she looked down to make sure she was decent. She held Meryl close as she leaned forward to kiss Don's cheek. "He can come in. I really don't want to leave Don in case he wakes up or something."

"Mer, we can take the babies for a walk around the hospital or something." Liz offered. "If you want to be alone."

Larry didn't want to leave Meryl alone. "Lizzie, can you take the babies? I would feel better if I stayed with Mer."

"I would feel better if you both stayed." Meryl kissed Mags' head again. 

Larry looked at Liz who nodded and so he went back to the door. "Come on in, Detective Wilcox." Larry let the detective in. "I know you've met my wife already. This is Don's wife, Mary Gummer."

"Mrs. Gummer." The detective shook Meryl's hand. "I'm very sorry about this."

Meryl nodded as she looked at her husband sadly. "Me too. Larry filled me in on everything. I know you wanted to ask Don some questions but he hasn't woken up yet. They keep telling me he's fine he just needs rest; so hopefully he will wake up in no time."

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