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Name: Nicole Vargas/Snart
Age: 16
Gender: female

Sexuality: BiPersonality: sweet, a bit rude when offended, goes I sabe when someone hurts a animal and caring

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Sexuality: Bi
Personality: sweet, a bit rude when offended, goes I sabe when someone hurts a animal and caring.
Dislikes: people who hurt animals, people who make fun of her being adopted, and people judging that she is American while her siblings are Mexican.
Likes: the snow, animals, making new friends and helping.
Other: she can be really strong, so don't judge her innocent looking face
Species: werefox/whitelighter.

(which is practically a guardian angel. For those who know what this is, comment below!!! I love Charm!))

Powers: healing, speak different languages, track people down, sense if her charges are in danger, and orbing.

(That's from her whitelighter side. Every whitelighter have the abilities to do those things so don't say I gave her to many powers! If ya watched Charm Where Leo comes in then you'll understand!))

 Every whitelighter have the abilities to do those things so don't say I gave her to many powers! If ya watched Charm Where Leo comes in then you'll understand!))

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.
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