... a BITty of trouble...

Start from the beginning

"Yeah." AriesChong9 says before continuing with "People are cruel out here. The antivoid is so much better. So many to relate and is safe...unless you don't count X Gaster that is. Goop on the loose!" this causes Azul looks at their new parent confused leading Arieschong9 to turn to Azul and say "You'll get it once we're there."

"Welp, hopefully we can find him. Also, imma try to adopt a bitty! Uhm... where am i going to find a bitty??" Blueberrywriter10 says before their eyes narrow in thought.

AriesChong9 then points at one of the displays with their free hand saying "I mean, there's a lot of containers that are on display. But if you want the ones who're abandoned before and want to help out or better known as the broken ones...they're over there." with that she points to another container that is much quieter than the rest.

Blueberrywriter10 nods at this before saying "thank you for pointing it out to me." as they walk over to the quieter container.

AriesChong9 gives a sad smile and looks at Azul who looks back at them curiously before the Staff interrupt saying "here you are ma'am." as the staff member returns with a plastic bag.

"Thank you!" AriesChong9 says as they take the plastic bag with gratitude and pay for anything that is needed.

the Staff member says "It was no problem."

AriesChong9 nods and picks out a blueberry from inside the plastic bag and handed it to Azul who immediately noms on it as Blueberrywriter10 looks through the glass of the container, questiong on what all of the abandoned bitties looked like.

meanwhile AshenAngel, another Creator, casually whistling 'Its the End of the World as we know it' before saying as they step though a portal "Man, I missed out on coffee... Where did the glorious clusterfudge go...." before hurries off towards the bitty store before yelling "guyyyys you didn't wait for me! There were cops! I was afraid I'd get arrested!"

Azul hears distant shoutings and perks up catching AriesChong9 attention and leading him to ask "Hmm? Is something the matter Azul?" Azul then looks at the window behind AriesChong9 and she turns to see what caught his attention causing her to see AshenAngel running towards the shop.

"Guys!! Wait!!" another Creator know as Bug_WolfCaster ,a gray wolf with white front paws and underbelly, and grayish blue eyes, yelled as she runs after and catches up to the group yelling in addition "Don't leave meeeee!" before she finally catches up panting before saying "okay. . .so the cops may or may not be after me... and we may or may not have started a war between Nightmare and Ink... but on the bright side, I got hot chocolate." with that she holds up a basket full of to go cups in her mouth before asking "Anyway, what happened while I was off checking the AUs?"

Mallory on the other hand continues whimpering still pointing to the playpen full of bitties wanting to play.

AriesChong9, confused by the Nightmare and Ink remark in Bug_WolfCaster's speech as well as the possible cops following them asks "Nightmare and ink? I thought Ink was still passed out last we saw him...why are the cops after you anyway?"

To which Bug_WolfCaster replies saying "Well Ink was passed out, then I guess Dream woke him up, I'm not sure really." she shrugs at this to show her confusion before continuing with "And as for the cops. . . I got the hot chocolate from them, without their permission. They weren't very happy about it." after whitch she turns to Mallory, a soft grin appearing on her face as she says "Hi, sweety." with her tail wags slightly before looking at where Mallory is pointing and asking "Do you want to play with them?"

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