Chapter 2

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I silently grabbed my faded purple backpack. I'd had the thing for years and it had bounced with me from foster home to foster home. If I was going to escape I'd need supplies. I gathered together a few t-shirts and shoved them in my bag along with a hairbrush, a few old jolly ranchers and my treasured copy of Taylor's album "Speak Now".

From outside my room I heard Mike yell; "I'm going out for a drink Jude, make sure that mangy girl doesn't get out of her room do you hear me? She's a sneaky little brat Jude, a stinky little brat!"

"Yes darling!" Judy replied, kissing Mike loudly on the cheek, " I'll make sure she stays in there Mikey, now get out of here!"

I stifled a laugh, Judy's kiss had left a bright red mark on Mike's cheek. "Just wait till all the guys at the bar see him!" I thought.

Before I left I knew I had to get some sort of snack to sneak in my bag, Judy never even let me near the cabinets, so there was no hope there. I just had to wait for something to distract Judy so I could make my move.

I gazed through the crack in the door to see what Judy was up to. She grabbed a box of Oreos and a miller lite and settled down on the tattered couch, letting out a loud belch. Judy grabbed the clicker and lazily started to channel surf. After what seemed like hours She finally settled on something, "keeping up with the kardashians", as usual. This was my chance, I slowly began to open the door, until I realised it was locked! Years in the foster system had taught me something at least. I pulled a bobby pin out if my hair and inserted it in the lock. I twisted if around a fee times, I finally heard a click and I knew it was open.

I slowly started to open the door, and winced with every creak it made. I glanced at Judy, she was fully entranced by the gleaming Kardashians, as usual. I slowly crouched down upon the floor and crawled army style towards the kitchen.

All of a sudden I felt myself about to sneeze, I tried to stop but it was too late. Judy whipped around, scanning the room for any sight of me. Luckily, I was hidden behind the couch and she didn't see me. Judy yelled "shut up kid!" and then swiftly turned around." I let out a sigh of relief, good thing she hadn't spotted me or I'd be dead. I continue to crawl through the kitchen. I finally arrived and carefully opened the kitchen cabinet. As I opened it I saw something heading towards my face! A giant pan fell from the cabinet and clattered to the ground.

Judy sprang up from her seat yelling, " ha! I caught you, get back in your room now young lady! I have a baseball bat and I'm not afraid to use it!"

I instantly panicked and ran for the door, Judy trailing close beside me. I swung open the door and ran out into the rainy street. I knew I had to hide. Judy couldn't keep up with me for that long anyway. I darted into an alleyway and hid behind a dumpster. Judy was coming closer and closer...

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2014 ⏰

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