Chapter 2: Old Boxes

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Chapter 2: Old Boxes

Kate felt a tap on her shoulders and jumped. She saw her dad, eyebrows raised, and said "What?",

"What?" her dad replied, confused,

"Huh," and with that, her dad shook his head and smiled, then went back in the kitchen. She didn't even realized that the pasta was cooked already. She looked back up, checking if there was a shadow on the wall. Nothing. Must be really tired, she thought and she sighed. She went back in the kitchen and sat down and started eating her pasta,

"I'm leaving.", her dad said, planting a kiss on her forehead. Kate stared at her pasta until she heard the front door shut. She looked up from her food to the window, what a great time to be alone, she thought.

After finishing her breakfast, Kate head upstairs. She was about to enter her room when the shadow she saw earlier whipped past in front of her. She squealed and tripped back as she saw the shadow head under the doors of the attic and disappeared. "Huh.", Kate muttered. She stood up and grabbed a flashlight in her room. She opened the attic door, a gust of dusty air greeted her, now afraid on what she is about to see.

It's been 9 years since she's last been in the attic. Her parents told her that she shouldn't go in there, not that she isn't allowed, because it's a very old and dusty place. And it is very dusty indeed. The stairs creeked as she made her way up, wincing at every sound, looking for the shadow. She guided her flashlight to the right and saw the shadow. Just standing still. She could tell it was a guy, somewhere at his middle age. And in front of the shadow were old boxes stacked together. She saw the shadow point down the boxes, walk away and disappeared. Kate was no longer scared but she is weirded out and confused. What ever in those boxes are might be important. And whoever that shadow is, well. She took the three boxes, not very heavy, and head back to her room again, wondering if who that shadow was. She closed her door and sat down at the edge of her bed, putting the flashlight down, she took the first box and removed the dusts. It's not that big and heavy. In fact, it's very handy. Turning the box, she saw the label, 'Annie Vernon's Child Documents, 1995'.

It was her mom's.

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