𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑪𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒈 // An Intuition

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Itachi was checking over Naruto's wounds. He'd been doing it for the past five minutes, over, and over again. Sure, Naruto had been knocked out, deprived of food and water for 5 days, and had a frightening Genjutsu placed over him, but he really was fine. He obviously didn't understand the extent of Itachi's worry.

"Are you sure you're okay ? Not feeling weak, dizzy ?" The eldest Uchiha asked, brows furrowed in concern. Sasuke rolled his eyes at his older brother's antics. He was a tad bit paranoid when it came to the blonde idiot. Then again, he was paranoid when it came to Sasuke, too.

"If I wasn't okay I'd say so." Naruto spat. He couldn't say he was completely over Itachi's 'fake' betrayal. Sakura gave a low groan of desperation.

"It's obvious you're hurt, baka. You're limping." She said matter of factly. Naruto unleashed his worst glare on her. However, his sunny personality completely overrode the evil gesture and he ended up with a scrunched up, yet cheerful expression.

"Is that supposed to be a glare ?" Sasuke asked in amusement. Naruto sighed.

"Naru, I really am sorry. Please, I wouldn't have done it had it not been for the mission." Itachi's voice held a tinge of guilt. The blonde simply kept on walking, ignoring the pain shooting up his ankle whenever he took a step. Finally, tired of seeing his boyfriend in obvious pain, Itachi scooped him into his arms.

"Itachi, put me down." Naruto muttered darkly. Itachi kept his face blank as he replied. "You'll thank me for this later. The nine tails may be healing you, but for the moment you're in pain." A spark of realization appeared in Naruto's wide blue eyes.

"What ?" Itachi asked. The blonde shook his head slowly, before letting his eyes shut and seemingly falling asleep.


"Kyuubi !" Naruto screamed. His voice echoed throughout the long tunnel he was trudging through. He could hear a loud growl coming from the fox. As he entered the fox's domain, Naruto mustered up his best smile.

"Did ya miss me ?" He asked cheerily, running to the front of the cage.

"No." Kyuubi snarled. Naruto ignored his obvious displeasure, and sank into the murky water.

"You should have told me I was under a Genjutsu." Naruto stated. His hands shook as he lifted them up to the metal bars.

"Remember who did these ?" Naruto began, staring blankly at the long scars on the backs of his hands. "It was the same person down there."

The nine tails growled softly in understanding.

"Yes. I know." He said.

The blonde frowned. "I wonder what they want."

The nine tails shook in eerie laughter. "I thought that part was obvious."

"Hmph. You're a bastard." Naruto stuck his tongue out.

"Aren't we all ?" Kyuubi amused.


Naruto traced his fingers over his leaf hitai-ate. The metal surface was smooth, but the engraving of the leaf symbol left a jagged groove. He moved onto the fabric, smiling as the worn out cloth scratched his fingertips.


Naruto looked up, noticing his sensei standing before him. The grey haired nin's eyes were crinkled in annoyance, perhaps ?

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