"Tay please don't plan anything big for me" I tell him getting food.

"I'll try not to babe" he says and smirks.

I swear is tay throws something for me I mean yeah I'll be happy as ever but I don't want anything big. Last time I had something big.. Bad things happened and that was 4 years ago. I just hope if he does throw something big nothing bad happens...

Taylor's POV

So tomorrow is Abbey's big day. She's turning 21. She doesn't want anything big but we all have something perfect planned with all of our friends. After we all moved in together it's been great and all. But we all miss our family so they are going to come for Abbey's birthday. Jai, Nicole's brother is coming down later tonight to help set up for the party... Everything's gonna be great.

"Ab, can you come here?" I ask her.

"Yes hang on let me find a shirt!" She yells from the other room.

"Just come out here it's only me out here" I tell her.

She comes out in her sports bra and sits next to me.

"What did you have to tell me or whatever?" She asks.

"I just wanted to tell you how much I love you" I say while smiling.

"Tay you tell me this almost 10 times a day" she says.

"I know, I will never stop either" I say while she braids her long brown hair.

"You're perfect. I don't know what I would do without you" she says as she turns so she's facing me again.

"Probably die" I say and she laughs.

"For real though" I say after she laughs.

"Yeah you're probably right to be honest" she says smiling as she moves into kiss me. We moved our lips in sync for at least 15 mins. After like 15 mins I stopped and started kissing her all over then told her to go finish getting ready to go work out.

She wanted to work out today so we are going with Matt and Nicole. But those two will prob just play basketball since Nicole's really good. Ab and I like to actually work out when we say we are going to.

"Matt get your ass down here. We need to leave soon!" I yell to Matt and Nicole.

"I have to finish cutting this shirt" he yells back.

"Why do you have to have all your shirts cut to play basketball and you have so many why are cutting another?" I yell back.

"This ones for Nicole. She doesn't want to get to hot in the gym while getting her ass beat in basketball" he says and I hear Nicole smack him.

"Ouch!" Matt screams as Nicole Ab and I all laugh.


We are all playing basketball now. Abbey and I finished working out. Matt and Nicole are beating us because we are tired from working out but they think even if we weren't they would still be winning.

We just got home and we are in our room. Well abbeys showering and I'm waiting to shower cause I don't wanna go to any other room.

Matts POV

Nicole and I both showered and we are laying down now. Tomorrow is abbeys big day. And the days Nicole sees her brother in like 3 years. Hopefully tonight Jai gets here.

Nicole is always teasing me. She walks out of the bathroom in a sports bra and underwear.

"Are you sleeping in that sunshine?" I ask her.

unexpected love. Taylor CaniffWhere stories live. Discover now