"I'm not trying to fuck you up Mark," said Juliana as sobs interlaced her words, "I-I-"

"Don't use those fake tears on me, you two-headed snake!" Pushing my chair backwards as it crashed onto the floor with a thud, I stood up from my chair and gave her a black look.

"Mark, you've got to chill out dude," cautioned Rhett as he attempted to pacify me by placing his hand on my shoulder, a move that I resisted by darting away from his advances, "You've made her cry."

"I don't give a fuck about her crying," I said, as my nostrils flared, "What she did to me was truly unforgivable."

"All I did was post some lies about you on Facebook," sobbed Juliana, as Rhett's face expressed a distressed and pitiful look, "You shouldn't be overreacting like this."

My eyes darted towards Juliana's direction as tears continued pouring down her cheeks. ++

"Overreacting?" I questioned in a loud voice, "What I'm doing right now is completely justified, you bitch!"

My anger rose like a parabolic curve as Juliana continued to put out the flames between us with gasoline.

"It was a long time ago Mark," she defended herself as she moved back, "It was just a small screw-up."

"You called me a fucking misogynist on Facebook!" I yelled, attracting the attention of curious students who stared from their tables.

"Juliana, I think you need to give Mark some time to cool down." Those mature words came out of Rhett's mouth almost like water flowing through a stream, "Otherwise he's gonna say something that's really going to damage your friendship forever."

"We don't have a friendship anymore Juliana," I said defiantly, much to the shock of both Juliana and Rhett as their eyes both popped out, "I'm done with fake bitches like you!"

My words packed a powerful punch that sort of had an air of finality to them. I was not in the mood for an argument with my fists, especially with the amount of bad press that it would generate against me. The only possible thing that could be done was to walk away unscathed, which was exactly what I did without turning back. My feet were dragged to as far as it possibly could go from the cafeteria, with anger bursting inside of me.

"Screw you, Juliana," I hissed under my breath, "I can't believe you're just disregarding everything that's happened between us just so that you can be my friend!"

My breaths grew deeper and slower as I slowly contemplated my actions with Juliana at the cafeteria. As I continued breathing in and out rapidly, my thoughts immediately flashed to how Juliana and I got along so well when we were friends, once upon a time.

"You're our lord and saviour Mark. Please do turn into the Hulk and control the damn assembly."

"Your whole bag was filled with soy milk until everyone thought it was leaking your man fluid."

"You're a good friend Mark. Don't let anyone else tell you that."

Putting my head into my hands, I realized the absurdity of the situation. Why did I act like a complete ass to her? She's my best female friend and I overreacted all because of what she did to me two months ago.

My mind continued to conjure more happy memories of the both of us in middle school and in high school. Pangs of guilt began to fill my body as I had an epiphany regarding my awful behaviour with Juliana.

I've got to say sorry to her and fix this shit.

Turning behind like a tractor, I immediately sprinted back to the cafe, where my eyes fell upon my ex-friend and my crush- Juliana and Rhett, talking to each other animatedly as if they had known each other for decades. Juliana was laughing hysterically at one of Rhett's words, and Rhett, my crush, was smiling too. A tinge of jealousy filled my heart upon seeing both of them together- although I knew that there was no chance of them being together as lovers.

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