Visiting gone wrong

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(Hannah's POV)

I couldn't wait. I had a break from recording albums and everything like that, I was visiting Huntington Beach. I felt so awful for leaving but also kind of happy. We had all changed a lot. I went from combat boots, jeans, and a band t-shirt to high heel boots, shorts, and a band tang top. Guess the band thing hasn't changed much. I was surprised Graser was still in Huntington and not Canada. Maybe he liked the city. I was already in the city and just getting off the plane. Everyone came with as well. We all ran to our hotel, unpacked and saw it was still school was still in.

I really didn't care. Actually, I kind of wanted it to be school time so I could tell off all bullies that I was famous. I walked down the hallways of Emerald City High School (Bit a real school). I wonder if Graser has changed any much- that would be a yes. I hid behind a corner and saw Graser walk down the hall with a FOOTBALL Jersey on and holding hands with Brooke. I stopped myelf from crying and tried to sneak away but my stupid heels were banging across the floor. Dammit, too late. I thought as Graser's hand grabbed my arm. "Haha hi." I said awkwardly. "What is it doing here!" Brooke yelled/asked.

"Break from recording an album." I said with a bragging face. "You look.... Different." Graser said examining my new clothing taste. "I can fix that." Brooke said and threw a FREAKIN SLUSHY and me. "Three things. One, when did this become glee. Two, are we going to break in a song. And three, when did this school get a slushy machine." I said trying to remain calm. "One answer, your always going to be a zero. No matter how famous you get, you will never make up for the years of being a loser. Now get the hell away." Brooke warned. Shouldn't she had learned not to mess with me, because I have the strength of a gorilla. I took one step and she sped away.

"Nice seeing you." Graser said and ran after Brooke. I sighed and walked back to the hotel. 

a new start - sequel to 18Where stories live. Discover now