Chapter 2

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*Canada P.O.V.*

We've left the school and gone to the house. (Y/n) immediately goes to her room, as always. I follow, as always, and she climbs onto her bed and puts her headphones on. 

I know this trick. Introvert 101. She's tuning out the world. This is bad.

Every other time she does this, she zones out. Every other time she does that, she gets what she calls a "day-mare", which is like a nightmare, but 1000x worse. And more graphic. And while she's awake. 

I suddenly felt the atmosphere change. Something's not right. I turned toward (y/n) only find the girl wide eyed and breathing fast with her headphones thrown to the other side of the room. Before I could say anything, she jumped up and climbed into her closet, shutting the doors behind her. 

I can hear her sniffles and hushed whispers. It's a day-mare. I must of jinxed it. I opened the doors and dug through the clothes to find (y/n) all the way in the back, curled up in a ball and at the brink of tears.

I tried to soothe (y/n)'s panic. The episodes are getting more frequent. There's only so much I can do for her. I hear a sniffle that snaps me out of my thoughts.

Oh gosh she crying. What. Do. I. Do. 

My mind is racing trying to find a way to help.

Should I call papa France? Oh wait he said he was going to be busy today. Merde!

Another series of sniffles. 

Maybe if I rub circles on her back? Rock her? Hold her?  Oh maple, it's getting worse!

I sigh lightly and get down to (y/n)'s level. She won't look at me.


Nothing. I try again, but again there was no response.


She looked up at me this time. I slowly lift my hand up and pet her head, softly and slowly. 

Oh thank maple syrup she's calming down.

Neither of us said anything for a while, just letting the silence calm everything down again. I don't need her to tell what happened. I don't want to make her relive her day-mare. Not this soon. 

Just looking at her I can tell. This was the worst one yet. The clock on the wall says we were actually in there for almost an hour and a half. At least her family didn't check on her in that time.

They can't see me.

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