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Aren’t I a luck girl? CosmicMisfit agreed to have an interview with me! And she was recommended by you guys, the readers so I hope you all like the way it went. CosmicMisfit, aka Chloe Baker lives Hampshire, England. She is part of a local Scout/explorer group and finds it very enjoyable.

I asked what she would change with this world if given the chance and this is her answer, “I'd probably change the amount of depression and self-harm there is in the world.  Too many teens these days are suffering from either self-harm or depression and it hurts me to see them so sad. They say the teenage life is meant to be the funnest moments of your life, but when you self-harm or are suffering from depression you can't really experience that fun.”

She sends this message out to all her fabulous fans “Thankyou for reading my books and I'm terribly sorry for the grammar in my earlier books; I haven't gotten around to editing them yet.”

So lets get on with the interview. This is how it went. And I can honestly say that I had fun with this and enjoyed all her answers. She’s a fun chick.

Where does your inspiration come from?

Probably from experiences in my life and my favourite bands, considering most of my books are fan fictions.

Does anyone help you?

I don't have anyone to help me write my chapters unless I'm talking it through with a co-writer, but I do have a couple of school friends who give me ideas for my chapters or how the story should go.  

Is the help intentional?

I think in a way yes, because it might help progress my writing skills and develop the storyline to that of a better plot, but in other ways I think that it's unintentional and they're just messing around with me and turns out to be a really good idea.  

Do you have an editor?

No I don't, but I do have a couple of people who comment on my stories and tell me where I've gone wrong if there's something drastic I've messed up.  Who is your editor? A few people on Wattpad. 

 Do you want to write professionally later on in life?

That is one of my ambitions, yes. I'd love to become a professional writer or scriptwriter for movies. 

If you aren't able to become a writer, what else would you like to do and why?

Well I'd really like to do anything in film to be honest. Maybe in the marketing side of things or even working behind a camera. I take a Film Studies class at school, so I'll see where that takes me. If that doesn't work out, then my next ambition is to become a history teacher. History is a lesson I'm really passionate about and I think I'd be a really good teacher if I got the chance. 

Who is your favourite writer on Wattpad?

I have more than one: @KeroseneZombie @GhostageVoltage @ChemicalTeardrop @UnicornSpawn @Ninja_Ramen_BUNNY @Emma_Lennon and @AwesomeSauceMegero  

What is your favourite book(s) on Wattpad?

My Awkward Romance by @MasterOfUnicornsMikey 

Do you have any tips for people who want to write a book?

Write it from the heart and don't be afraid to accept criticism on your writing :) 

What was the first book you posted on Wattpad?

Move Your Body When The Sunlight Dies 

Why did you decide to post the book there?

I'd discovered Wattpad a while back before then and most of the fanfictions I've read were really good; I had some stuff down in notebooks and I decided to post it to see what people thought of it :) 

What is the book about?

It's about a young girl- Cherry Iero, sister of Frank Iero- who's invited on tour with My Chemical Romance as their blog writer. She has to overcome her crush on frontman Gerard Way during the tour.

 What is your favourite book so far that you've written?

I'm really proud of quite a few books I've written but I have to say my favourite ever books are the The Ways Are My Neighbours?!? And it's sequel :) 

Who is your favourite character?

 Definitely Tayla.  

Why is he/she your favourite character?

Because she's just so crazy and her hair is amazing (not to mention she wears two different coloured coverses at once!)  

How long does it normally take for you to update a book?

I'd say maybe once a week? Sometimes I'm faster than that but I get writers block quite a lot. 

How many books have you completed?

Offhand, I'm not sure. I think it's about 23 or 24 books?  

How many books are you writing at the moment?

About ten; including my co-writing ones. Excluding them it's only three.  

Do you enjoy writing?

I love writing. It's my passion.  

Describe writing to someone who has never heard of it before. How does it make you feel?

Being able to write down thoughts and feelings on paper, create characters from scratch and make up interesting plot lines is... There's no other way to describe it than exhilarating. It really lets your imagination run wild and gives you the freedom that the outside world can't let you have. It almost feels like your own world when you write; just you and the notebook/laptop... 

What was your first ever story called?

My first EVER story? Gosh... It was probably that parody of Narnia that we had to do in school; it was actually really good for a nine year old me... 

Anything you'd like to say to your fans?

Keep running, keep reading and writing and never let them take you alive, Killjoys!

And now you all understand why I enjoyed interviewing her. She is a happy person and although I personally haven’t yet gotten around to reading on of her books yet, I am eagerly awaiting the time when I am able to. Hope you all like her as much as I did.