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Harry Pov

I was sitting on my bed in my room or which used to be Dudley's old toy room for broken things. And I was thinking about the one person who could help me and his name was Blasie Zambi.

After, I was put into Slytherin me and him immediately hit it off. And I was to far into my thinking that I didn't even notice the pounding on my door from Uncle Vernon.

"Boy! Come out here now!" I quickly got out of my room only, to see my crush/ best friend there. "Blaise what are you doing here?" I say while walking down the stairs and hugging him. " well Harry I wanted to see how you where since we were only talking by owl. " I could see the rage in my uncle's eyes. "Can I have a word with you Harry?" I look at my uncle and go with him. " listen here you are not going to tell that person about what goes on here ok and if I find out you did your punishment will be far worse then now ok? " I nod my head but, I do wanted to tell Blaise so he could help me.

Blaise pov

When Harry and his useless excuse for a uncle walk in the kitchen, I go to the door and listen to what they are saying. And from what he was saying I really wanted to know if Harry was okay or not. ' could he be abused?' I think about it and eventually it makes scene.

Every time either he was called on during, class he would always be shy and whisper. And at meals he would only eat very little also, only me and Draco can remotely like touch him in a calming way and he always flinches when others do.

Harry Pov

After me and my uncle have a talk I walk back and see my friends face and I know that he wants answers. "Uncle can me and Blaise go to my room and hang out?" He looks at me like don't you dare tell him type of look and he nods.

We go upstairs and go to my room. "Harry?" "Yes?" " are you being abused? " I look at him shocked that he figured it out. I listen for my uncle, aunt, or cousin to be outside of my door and they are. So I look at him with tears in my eyes and nod my head ashamed. "Oh Harry" Blaise comes over to me and hugs me and I cry on his shoulder.

"Do you want to stay with me for the rest of the summer?" " Will your parents be okay with that? " "you know that they practically consider you as there own so I don't think that they would mind and plus we get to see each other more."

I nod my head so much that I look like a bobble head. I hear Blaise laugh and soon I start to have a giggle fest.

Blaise pov

After I ask Harry if he wants to come over he nods his head like a bobble head and I start to laugh which starts to make him giggle. Oh how much I love to hear him laugh I thought to myself.

"Do you want to go on a walk Harry?" I look over at him and he looks like he's scared to death.
" I don't know if I should because, we have to be back by dinner" I think for a moment and then I have a idea. "I have a idea that won't get you into trouble" " what is it? " " we could just go for a walk and then tell your aunt and uncle that you are going to be out for a while "

Harry Pov

I think about it and it and I jump into his arms and cry and hug the living shit out of him. While I am there i notice that he's laughing quietly and smiling. My face soon starts to turn a almost exact replica of a rose. So, I do the only thing I can and duck my head into his chest since he's taller than me.

"So do you want to go on a walk?" I nod my head into his chest trying to get my blush under control. He takes my hand and it feels so good to be able to touch his hand.

We go out and I notice that he hasn't let go of my hand. I go to my uncle and ask " uncle? " "yes" "I was wondering if me and Blaise could go on a walk for a little bit?"

I see the anger in his eyes but, he says "sure but make sure you are back before we go to bed ok?"  And he whispers " or I will have to punish you for being bad ok freak? " I nod my head and walk back over to Blaise.

"He said yes" and we walk out of the door hand in hand not even realizing it.

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