Either Way There Will Be Tears

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I knew it. I fucking knew this would happen. It was all just seeming like Dallon was gonna leave Panic!.  Like I've been in somewhat mourning over it for some time, but I tried to not think about it.

Part if me wanted him to do both. But he does still need to make time for his family and that all would be tiring.

On one hand I'm sad because Dallon just fit so perfectly with Panic!. I wanted him to stay forever. I didn't want Brendon to be left alone again.

While on the other I'm glad he's getting out from the background and getting some spotlight of his own. Not that I'm saying Brendon held him down. But their relationship dynamic just ended up to play out that way.

I mean I love Dallon's voice and style. Like The Brobecks as well as IDKHBTFM are both awesome.  And I can't wait to here more from him and Ryan. All I ask is that I get to see them in concert one day.

*sighs heavily* I didn't want it to happen...but I also waited for Dallon to realise his potential.

My Brallon heart hurts, but it will remain strong til the very end. They may be separated now, but as Dallon supported Brendon's Broadway endeavor. I know Brendon will support Dallon on this.

I'm still trying to process it all. I'm crying for lost yet gain as well. I wish my babies the best in all of what they do.


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