Soon after, the bell rings, signaling the end of English and the beginning of the next class, but before I leave, Luke slides a paper on top of my desk that's neatly folded before he goes to stuff things back into his large black book bag.

Unfolding the note anxiously, my eyes scan it a few times before I bring my hand to feel the fine ballpoint pen's ink on the paper saying,

"Thanks for saving me, Ash." ~Luke

I feel my heart beat in my chest abnormally as I go to look up next to me to realize he's gone, leaving nothing behind but the blue ballpoint pen in his seat he's held all period.

Reaching over, I grab the pen, twisting it in my hand as I read over the note, smiling at every single word. One simple statement. The boy wrote one simple statement that practically means nothing, yet means so much to me.

Calum approaches me, snapping me out of my happy gaze. Before he can get the chance to see it, I fold the paper, placing it and the pen in my back pocket for definite safe keeping.

The last thing I need is for Calum, Michael and Niall to see the note and assume there's something more going on with the situation when there's nothing going on. This is my actual first encounter with Luke Hemmings in the last three years and it's most likely my last.

Kids around here give Luke shit, lots of shit. The thought of it annoys me and I can't stand it whenever it's going on in my presence, but I don't do anything to stop it. I don't stop my own teammates from shoving and stuffing him into lockers. I don't yell at them to silence their rude remarks or stop their violent actions at all.

I stand around like a bystander and when I do speak out, it never goes unnoticed nor unquestioned. Everyone on the team or my inner circle gives me shit for it and assume such things that I wish could happen, but never actually will.

"What was that?" Calum questions, leaning against Michael in front of me as Niall sits in Luke's desk next to me.

"What was what?" I question, confused.

"The mute kid? He was smiling at you while you were reading something," Niall says.

"What? Yeah, sure he was," I laugh, getting up from my desk and slinging my book bag over.

"He was. It was scary, actually. I didn't know he was able to show emotion," Michael taunts, causing me to roll my eyes at him as Calum swats his shoulder for his rude remark.

I say nothing as usual, and exit the classroom with the three following behind as we exit. We all wish each other goodbye's as we go in opposite directions as the halls begin to empty.

Walking further through the hall and down a staircase, I turn into an aisle of lockers, finding mine that says 312.

The halls are completely empty. There's only a few kids here and there as I go to open my locker and pull out my chemistry book, closing it quietly, not wanting to disrupt any classes going on on this floor.

Walking the same way I came, I see a blonde fiddling with things in his locker frantically.

My body grows nervous and I freeze in position for a little until my body decides to overthrow my mind, walking me to Luke's locker down the hall by the staircases without my full awareness.

As I get closer to the locker, my heart beats faster and I'm almost sure Luke's aware of my presence at the sound of my feet against the floor, approaching him as calmly as I can.

"Hey, umm," I say, cracking at the end and running my hand through my hair due to nerves.

Luke doesn't acknowledge me and I don't expect him to. He hasn't acknowledged anyone or anything technically in the last two years, so what's going to make him start now? Nothing.

"I just wanted to say you're, you're uh, um uh, you're welcome for the who-whole class thing today," I finally manage to get out as he keeps his face unemotional, but somewhat focused on the content in his locker.

"Oh and here," I say, grabbing the pen from my back pocket. "You left this today in class," I stammer and I can see my hand shake with the pen inside it, protecting it as if it's the most precious thing I've ever held, as if someone unworthy is going to steal it right out of my grip intentionally.

Luke keeps his head down, but turns it to look at my shaky hand as I try everything in it to keep it steady, but fail miserably.

His face goes from emotionless to amused in seconds as he stares at my shaking hand holding his pen his amused look never looking me directly in the eyes.

Luke brings his hand out of his locker, placing it over mine, and everything in me sparks at the simple contact of our hands. His hand over mine is warm, and I'm slipping the pen into his fingers as he looks up at me and smiles lightly. The amused smile is long gone.

His smile stays there for a minute as his eyes are staring into mine for what seems like forever, but it isn't even a minute. Nothing's ever a minute when it comes to Luke, never.

Luke's face falls to the ground again and his smile is gone, but his hand still grazes upon mine, leaving the lingering feeling of the warmth of his hand upon mine as he takes the pen, closes his

locker and walks down the hallway emotionlessly without looking back at me.


(A/N~ don't forget to vote and comment to let me know what you think so far? :) )

Mute | Luke Hemmings &' Ashton Irwin (Lashton/5SOS)Where stories live. Discover now