Just a few

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Just a few days, a little caterpillar thought to herself.

Just a few more.

Then I'll be finally free.

I'll spread my wings and fly high

I'll soar and drift with the gentle autumn leaves

I'll get to see the wonders of the world from high up above.

Just a few more days.

Just a few months, a little girl thought to herself.

Just a few months more.

Then I'll be finally free.

I can live my life how I want to

Without restrictions or expectations

Without the burdens I didn't ask for.

With joy and self satisfaction.

Just a few more months.

Just a few more years, a woman thought to herself.

Just a few years more.

Then I'll be finally free.

I will finally be able to achieve my dreams

And live up my materialistic fantasies.

I can give up my mantle of responsibility

And take solace in the relationships and friends I have made.

Just a few more years.

Just a few more minutes, a butterfly thought to herself.

Just a few minutes more.

I have lived all my life

DAzzling others with my radiance

Making them gape at me in awe

They praised me for my beauty

And my vivid colours inspired artists.

Just a few more minutes.


What have I done for myself?

Was this the life I had imagined

When I was all wrapped up in my cocoon?

Did I do enough, to satisfy myself and my soul?

Just a few more seconds,

I say to myself.

Just a few more seconds.

Till I am finally set free

Till I am consumed in eternal abyss.


Just a few...

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