Partners? .......US!?

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Quick note

R/N - random name

--zanes POV--

A few minutes later Y/N is adding some details and shading to the drawing, and as they are  doing this I can hear the teacher say "ok, I will be aassigning partners, can everyone please sit down and put away whatever they are working on," I move back into my seat as Y/N closed their notebook and places it in the corner of their desk. " R/N and R/N wit be partners, Aphmau and Kawaii~Chan you girls will be partners, Travis and R/N will be partners," he listed out names until the only people without partners were Dante, Y/N, Blaze, and I. Then he said "Blaze and Dante will be partners" at that moment I froze, really, are you serious right now, I have to be with them. Great, "and the last partnership is Zane and Y/N, does everyone know what they are doing for the assignment? Zane you will explain it to Y/N after class." at that moment I just saw Y/N turn her head to look at me.

--Your POV--

"and the last partnership is Zane and Y/N, does everyone know what they are doing for there assignment? Zane, you will explain to Y/N after class." the works played over and over in your mind, I'm working with him, realy, out of everyone in the class, were partners. You think as you turn to look at him, he's clearly annoyed by this, you don't mind this partnership, you would gladly get to know him more, but he doesn't look like he's going to let that happen. You move your head back to listen to the teacher, and as class goes by so does your interest, you want to get to know what you are doing for the assignment, ring, the bell rings and you go walk out of theclassroom, as Zane walks out you grab the sleeve of his sweatshirt, "Zane?" you say as he turns around really annoyed, "what?" he says harshly, facing you.

"I just want not know what the assignment is," you say letting go of his sleeve " ill tell you at the end of school meet me at the fountain, I don't have time right now" he says quite calmly as he walks away, you could have sworn that when he walked away you could here him whisper "sorry" but that might just be your mind hoping that he said that

--Zanes POV--

I bcan'tbe leave I am partners with them,  this is stupid, I think as I turn and walk away, the assignment is so stupid, why do we have research project, with a partner, at lease we got and. Ok topic, we get to research wolf's but that's not any if my concern right now. Them of everyone in the class, I believe I got stuck with them as my partner.

--time skip brought to you be a very angry Zane Ro'Meave--

--your POV--

Ring, ring, schools over, you walk over to your locker and get your stuff, you put it all in your backpack and walk out of school, you see Zane sitting in the edge of the fountain, reading a book. You walk over and tap himon the shoulder, he turns to look up at you as you sit down "so what's the assignment?" you ask as you brush off your uniform. "we have to make wright a 40-page essay about wolf's, fairly easy but we both have to work in it together, because the overall grade is if we did what we need and if we both participated. As well as a ton of other stuff but don't know that part." he says really calmly as be never even once looked up from his book.

--Zanes POV--

".........but I kdon't know that part." I say sekng as she asked me, "I can't be leave we are partners, your that one kid I knew back in Okassas, right?" I ask and she looks at me and says

-your POV--

"yes" Beep, Beep "Y/N, come on I want to get home sweetheart," your mom yells out the car window

--Zanes POV--

I blush as I watch her walk away, well here comes the feelings I had for them, great. I think to my self remembering when we were younger. "Partners,.......US?!" I whisper to myself with a little chuckle, as my mom pulls up I get into the car

--time skip till Zanes home--

I walk in the door and place my back pack down in the couch, I walkupthe stairs to my room and as u open the door I walk in and close it again, Iwalk over to my bed and jump onto it. 

authors note

Hey, guys, this is the second post in this book, and the third post of today, I hope I can do more today, this chapter is a bit longer than the other one, I hope you like it.

Have a great day guys :3

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