Is it really him?

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--Zanes POV--

As I walked away from Aphmau and that kid, I realized I did know them, their name was Y/N, wasn't it? As I continued to walk I sat down by the fountain and took my headphones off, I started to read my book again, hopefully in peace this time.

--Your POV--

Katelyn said goodbye to Aphmu and you did as well, then you quickly followed closely behind Katelyn as she showed you around the school, she showed you your locker, then your different classes, the gym, and then finally the cafeteria. The entire time she showed you around you were still thinking about Zane, back when you lived in Okasass you knew the Ro'meave brothers,  and he sure did look a lot like the same person. 

The same bright blue eyes, jet black hair, and definitely the same attitude. There's no doubt it was him. "Y/N?" you heard Katelyn say as she waved her hand in front if you face "you paint attention?" you snap out of your thoughts as she says this "y....ya just trying to figure something out, sorry," you say apologetically. "ok, well I've shown you everything you need at the moment to go to your locker schools about to start." she says to you, you turn around and walk in the direction of your locker. Buzz "that's the bell, I got to get to class," you whisper to your self, as you turn around you see Zane walking down the hall.

--Zanes POV--

Great first class, we are being partnered up for an assignment, I hope I'm Not stuck with some loser. I think as I walk to my first class, Y/N is in the hall I hope they don't have the same classes as me. I continue to walk down thethe hall and sure enough, she walks in the same class that I have, I walk in and sit down at my desk not paying her much attention. As I do so I hear the teacher say"Y/N you will be sitting next to Zane" he says as he points to the desk next to mine. "ughh" I say quietly as she sits down. The teacher then proceeds to say "aseeing s this is the first day back from spring break you guys can talk for a few minutes that way I can get some papers done" as he says this Y/N starts to draw some my little horsies on there notebook. Guess they aren't so bad. I think to my self as Y/N continues to draw.

--your POV--

You take one of your notebooks and ststart drawing some my little horses on the page, as you this you can see Zane shift in the chair to See what you were drawing, as he dies ships you think to yourself the kid I knew loved my little horsies, Is it really him?

Hey guys sorry if this one's a little short, I wanted to get something up. Have a great day guys. :3

(PDH) Zane x readerWhere stories live. Discover now