Chapter 2

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He was staring straight at me with a slightly shocked expression. My mouth felt dry and my hands began to sweat as I waited for him to say something.

I should have ran but it felt like my feet were stuck to the ground with how anxious I was about what he was going to say. He opened his mouth finally but before any words could come out there was an angry yell from the other side of the market.

“Finn,” I said under my breath. I knew he wasn't ready to go on his own but he insisted. Crap! I quickly made up my mind and swiped some cucumbers. Before the seller noticed I ran away towards the yell. I ran past a bread stall and sneakily grabbed two loaves of bread. I stuffed them in my pocket as well since they were small enough.

I got to a more crowded than usual spot in the market and figured this was where the yell came from. I pushed past everyone trying to see if my brother was the cause of it. Sure enough as soon as I broke through the wall of people I saw Finn being roughly held by a chubby man with a beard who was yelling to everyone angrily. It was the fruit vendor. Finn looked around frantically, most likely trying to find me. Once his eyes landed on mine he seemed to visibly calm down.

Looking around I noticed that most of the people watching what was going on were women, elderly, and children. “Good, that makes it easier to get out,” I whispered to myself.

Staring back at Finn, I made sure he was looking back at me before I held up three of my fingers. Then I held one up and pointed below my stomach then at the vendor. It took him a second to realize what I was saying but once he realized he started to get ready.

3… I put my other hand in my pocket so the food wouldn't fall out when we ran.

2… I planted my feet in the ground and Finn did the same.

1… As soon as I held up one finger Finn swung his leg around and got the vendor right where the sun don't shine.
I immediately started running towards Finn when I saw that his arm was free. Grabbing him by his hand I made my way through the sudden wave of people and out of the park. We ran for three blocks then stopped when we were sure no one had followed us.

I turned around to my brother and hugged him, laughing while I did. He hugged me back. Letting go we made our way back to the alley which we called home for a couple weeks. We got there in about 15 minutes but saw that our parents weren't there.

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