XV - Rumours... That's All They Are

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A couple months have passed since Steve and James had told the girls about them, and so far things are going well. Or at least better than they'd hoped it would. Luckily they've managed to hide their relationship from the public. They're not ready to face that yet, in fact, they're not quite sure they'll ever be ready for that.

Though, they're not sure how long they can keep this secret from the rest of the town. They're sure it'll be easier than it was hiding it from the girls though. But they're still not sure how long they can keep it hidden. Thankfully both Elizabeth and Grace have promised not to tell anyone though.

Currently, Steve had to go into work at his blacksmiths shop while James gets to stay back home with the girls. Luckily it's his night off at the Howling Wolf, as Steve doesn't really like leaving the girls home alone unless he has to. It's not like the girls will get into any trouble if they're home alone though, and Elizabeth is responsible enough to look after herself and her sister anyway.

"Hey, Steve." Clint says, catching Steve's attention. "You hear about the witch that's supposedly wandering around near the town." He asks.

Steve looks over at him, stopping what he's doing. "There's another witch round here again?" He asks. "When was it spotted?"

Clint shrugs. "Don't know." He says. "I just heard rumours of a witch wandering the forest near the town." He shrugs. "It's just rumours though, Steve. I know how you feel about witches after what happened to Peggy and all..." He trails off.

Steve sighs, shaking his head. His wife, Peggy had been hexed and killed by a witch two years ago now. But, the witch responsible had fled before she could be executed. Ever since then, Steve has never liked witches, or well, has hated them more since then. And he's vowed that if he's ever to see another witch, then he's going to kill it. Especially if it's the one that killed his wife.

"If it's the one that killed Peggy, then I'll be the one to kill it." He says.

"What if it's not?" Clint asks.

"I'll still kill it." He decides. "All witches deserve death."

Clint nods. "Well, it's all just rumours so there may not even be a witch." He says. "But it be best to watch out either way."

Steve nods. Like Clint is saying, it may very well just be a rumour that there's a witch roaming round the forest near the town. But if it's not and there really is a witch, then he's going to kill it. He's not sure how he'll kill it exactly, but he'll find a way.


As soon as Steve gets home after work, he finds James sitting on the floor by the fire with the girls. So far Elizabeth hasn't really grown to like James, but she is beginning to tolerate him, and Steve guesses that's better than nothing. Grace on the other hand, already loves James.

"Hey, Steve." James says, as Steve sits down next to them, placing a kiss on James's cheek, before hugging the girls. "How was work?"

Steve sighs, shaking his head. "It was... good." He says.

But Steve is sure that James can sense that there's something wrong. And there is something wrong, but he can't tell him what it is while the girls are in the same room as him. He's going to have to take James outside and tell him.

"Bucky, I need to talk to you alone outside for a minute." He says, getting up off the floor.

James watches him curiously, before he too is getting up and the two of them are off outside. Once they're outside, Steve sighs, leaning up against the wall with James standing in front of him.

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