Chapter 10- Denial

Start from the beginning

“There’s one more thing we need to discuss before we head back to the house”

Looking back at him I laughed

“Now that I know this is out here I never going back to the house! It’s beautiful here”

Dallas smiled and nodded

“Kaylie I don’t know how to say this to you- I’ve enjoyed our afternoon and I really don’t want to have you start yelling at me again!”

I frowned at the seriousness in his voice

“Like a band aid Dallas; rip it off.”

He nodded, grabbing my hand and squeezing

“Kaylie- you’re my mate. You know what that means right?”

Instead of answering him I squeezed his hand- enjoying the soft tingles travelling around his touch.

“I’m an alpha to over 200 people.  Their wellbeing is my responsibility, with you being my mate- it makes it’s yours as well.”

I frowned at his words

“How so?”

“As my mate- when I claim you – it will make you there Luna. Think of it this way- my … our… pack is one huge family- every family needs a mom and dad to run things”

I slipped my hand out of his; my anger starting to get the best of me. Slowly I breathed and counted to ten- if he was saying what I think he’s saying he’s in for one huge surprise.

“And you’re saying I am the mother to this family? And how do you propose I run this huge family when I’m in New York?”

He frowned at my words

“New York? You ca-

I was quick to cut him off

“Dallas- did you know that there are many families- big ones- that don’t have a mother and a father and they are just fine?”

I could hear the anger seep out with my voice, he must have heard it to because he instantly straightened up and turned to face me.

“It was a bad example Kaylie; but in a pack that was the easiest way to explain it. You are my and there Luna- you will help me. It’s your job as a mate!”

I laughed a humorous laugh

“My job Dallas is in new York- not here”

His eyes narrowed as his nose flared

“Do you realize how powerful I ‘am? I have many enemies Kaylie, and if word has already gotten out that I – Alpha of Thorcourt – have a mate, you will be killed.”

His gaze was stormy; I knew he was angry but I was too stubborn to back down. I didn’t say anything though just kept my equally angry eyes on his. His words scared the shit out of me, but I would never admit that, especially to him.

“You are my Achilles heel Kaylie. You are not leaving here- especially without my mark. I will be able to protect you if we were mated”

I broke his gaze and stood up; I had enough. My head was starting to pound again- and this time it was not from the booze.  I turned on my heel and stormed away.

I could hear Dallas’s footsteps trailing behind me; like a lost puppy- the pun almost made me laugh.

“Kaylie we need to discuss this- you can’t leave here. You are my mate for fuck sakes!”

I stopped walking as soon as he swore- I have never heard him drop the F bomb- it sounded so foreign coming from his mouth.

He grabbed my arm and spun me around facing him

“Kaylie I know you feel something for me, hell you told me last night! Just give it a chance”

He spoke so softly, I could hear the pleading in his voice


Stepping out of his grasp I looked up at him; a small smile on my lips

“I do feel something for you, but I will never stay here- my life is in New York”

He narrowed his eyes at me; I quickly jumped out of his reach and ran to the door. Internally thanking the god’s for being so close to the house.

As I ran inside Dallas threat echoed around behind me

“Kaylie, you are not leaving here, it’s taken so long to find you. I will claim you willingly or not”

Rolling my eyes I slammed and locked the door. Not leaving here? Yeah right

Taking the stairs two at a time I walked into my room- Andy asleep on the bed.  I quickly grabbed my luggage, opening the dresser drawer I dumped the contents into my awaiting bag.

“Kay? What are you doing?”

Glancing at a groggy Andy I ran to the bathroom grabbing my shampoo.

“We are leaving right now Andy”

I expected him to protest but was pleasantly surprised when I walked back into my room- my arms full of my bathroom essentials- to see his bag already packed and by the door.

He shrugged his shoulders at my curious gaze

“I only came here to get you love”

Nodding he finished helping me pack, screw this house, this town and Dallas!

I’m finally going to get the hell out of dodge!

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