Chapter 6 - Smack dab in the middle

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The last 4 weeks flew by. If I wasn’t painting I was rearranging and if I wasn’t doing that I was hanging out with Dallas. I didn’t realize it was already the 5th until Andy called- asking why I have yet to respond to not one but 46 of the company’s emails. I didn’t believe him until I checked it for myself- sure enough my inbox was covered with bright red checks. 

Glancing up at the clock I sighed, it was only 6 in the morning and today Dallas was supposed to show me how to shoot a gun… apparently it’s important for a girl to know.

“Andy look I’m sorry- but I’m on vacation… remember? I’m not supposed to be working!”

“Kaylie, since when have you ever not cared about work?”

Rolling my eyes I walked back into my newly renovated kitchen. The light sky blue that Dallas picked out actually looked nice on the walls- especially against my brand new white glass cupboards. Grabbing another cup of coffee I leaned against the window sill; I could already feel the suns heat.

“It’s not like that Andy! Of course the company comes first- I just let time slip while renovating that’s all! Sorry boss”

Smirking I took a sip of my java

“You know I hate when you call me that Kay. Anyways enough of this- just please respond your still my CEO you know?”

“Like you could let me forget!”

Laughing I put my coffee down to rub my neck; all the painting made my muscles tight… who knew painting was a work out?

“Alight love well I’ll see you later, I should be arriving around 5pm tonight depending on those god awful flights”

My eyes went wide- how could I forget? 

“It’s already been a month hasn’t it?”

For some unwelcomed reason my mood plummeted. I would have to go back to the office; why was I feeling so bummed about that? I loved my job and I loved Andy. Well at least I think I did. Hearing Dallas’s engine coming up the drive my eyes went wide- oh no! no way in hell was I getting attached to him.

“Um, yeah- totally Andy look I got to go look forward to seeing you”

I ran to the living room just as Dallas walked in the house. Nodding my head quickly at him I went to speak but my name being yelled caught me off guard. My cell was still on in my hand- I never hung up on Andy woops.

“Kaylie! Kay-“

“Hey! Sorry I’m here!”

Standing in the living room Dallas was looking at me strangely- his hand still on the door.

“What happened love?”

I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. He looked handsome today in his tight plaid shirt, his sleeves rolled up to his elbow’s showing off his muscled forearms.  Darting my eyes back to his face I was surprised to see him looking down… what could be so interesting on the floor? Following his line of sight a blush rose to my cheeks- I was only wearing my underwear with a singlet- no bra. Oh my god.

“Uh-a um a spider was in the uh kitchen and um ya it spooked me”

I quickly grabbed my house coat hanging on the back of my arm chair, effectively covering myself- kind of.

“hey um Andy didn’t you need to get back to work?”

At the mention of Andy’s name Dallas face snapped back to mine- his eyes a shade darker than usual.

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