Chapter 9- Rum lots of Rum

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I really enjoyed writing this one :) Let me know what ya'll think :)




The huge wolf jumped in front of me in a menacing stance. Its shoulders reached my belly button; even while crouched. I looked at Andy god smacked- what the hell do I do now?  Andy stood in front of the wolf with his hands at his sides.  He didn’t look surprised or scared- he looked almost smug.

“Kaylie-love, you need to come inside with me right now”

The wolf growled and snapped his huge muzzle. The sun gleamed off his teeth… There was no way in hell I was walking in front of this thing! Looking back at Andy I shook my head- absolutely not!

Andy sighed and rolled his eyes- looking back up at the wolf he cocked his head.

“Your scaring her you know. Get out of here- let her come inside with me”

The wolf growled lowly; making me take a quick step back. My movement made him whip around to face me; but still keeping Andy away.  Slowly he lowered his head; a quiet whimper echoing around me.

Glancing at Andy he nodded; hesitantly I placed my hand on the wolf’s head. His fur felt like soft velvet; the tips of the hair tickling my palm. Letting out a tiny giggle I pulled my hand away- definitely not as terrifying as it looks.

Patting it on the head again I walked slowly over to Andy. The wolf watched us with narrowed ears; as I reached Andy he grabbed my hand- the wolf let out a low snarl. I knew it was a warning- to me or Andy I didn’t know.  My instinct’s told me to turn around and make a run for the house. The door was only a few steps away; just as I was turning around to make a dash for it my mom popped into my head.

I did not want to turn into its prey like she did.

Hesitantly I decided to take a quick and quiet step back; tugging on Andy’s arm to follow. The wolf growled lower but made no effort to stop us; so we quickly took one more step. As my back hit the door I lightly pushed it; swinging it open. Stepping into the safety of my home I let go of Andy’s hand; smacking his shoulder.

“What the hell was that Andy?”

Before he could answer Dallas walked in- my breath hitched in my throat at the sight of him wearing only some dirty shorts. They hung low off his hips; his toned chest on display. This was the first time I seen him without his cowboy hat on. His dark black hair was every which way; it took everything I had not to walk up to him and run my fingers through it.

My inner slut started to fan herself.

I opened my mouth to say something but I couldn’t form any words. I stood there shamelessly staring. My eyes darted from his arms down to the very prominent ‘V’ on his abdomen.

“Come here Kaylie”

My eyes snapped to his. For a moment I thought I would see smugness for him catching me looking at him but I was surprised to see his eyes all black- he looked murderous. Weighing my options I decided my best bet was listening- it didn’t take a scientist to figure out he was the wolf on my porch mere seconds ago.

Slowly I stepped away from Andy. Dallas grabbed my arm and pulled me behind him; with his arm still on mine forcing my chest to be pushed up against his chiseled back.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing rogue?”

Dallas voice sounded deadly

“Proving a point; didn’t think the all mighty alpha of Thorcourt would ever have a weakness.”

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