0. Prologue

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       "No, no, no! Too many accidents Mr. Scamander! Too many! We must not have the life of students in Hogwarts be in danger!"  The professors scolded Newton for the 5th time within 2 months.

       Last time, one of his Bowtruckles had unlocked the small cage door of a freshly caught Cornish Pixies that were being used in his Defense Against The Dark Arts class. It took 2 weeks to round them all up with minor injuries. This time he had let an experiment involving a Jarvey, an oversized ferret, go too far, endangering a life of a student. Not only that but there is a law against the possession of this rude and despicable creature. He was to face expulsion from Hogwarts, although Albus Dumbledore, Newt's Transfiguration teacher at the time, protested on such an act.

       No one knew if he would come back. And people still wonder if he was innocent, and had taken the blame from a fellow student by the name of Leta Lestrange. She was another magical beast lover along with Newt and me. She would cause more trouble than Newt and I combined. But, hey, we always worked together to help each other out.

       Newt would share stories about his mother and the hippogriffs his mother breeds. He would tell us how he would dismember Horklumps, a curious creature which looked like a fleshy pink mushroom covered with sparse black bristles when he was younger. We were a trio. A golden trio, if you will. We'd get into trouble but find our way out before disaster broke loose. The 3 of us may have been in different houses, but nothing could keep us apart for long. Newt belonged to Hufflepuff. Leta belonged to Slytherin. I, (Y/N), belonged to Ravenclaw. We could act like complete opposites one day and could kill each other with a single glance, but the next day we would all be huddled in a corner all reading from the same book.

       "We'll meet again Newty. I promise," Leta held Newt's hands tightly, her eyes glued to his. He'd occasionally look down with a small smile, his face tinted pink. The 16-year-old Newt was spending his last few hours at the school saying his goodbyes. The trio was being departed. Little did I know that it wouldn't be revived again, though my heart then still had hope.

       Leta nodded and whispered goodbye to him, letting her hands slid from his reluctantly with a few tears dripping down her cheek. She had walked off quickly, a sob escaping her lips and her arms wrapping tightly around her body. A few other girls from the Slytherin house had surrounded her, placing hands on her back to comfort her. Newt and I watched her walk back to the school, entering the palace like building.

       I turned to Newton. I continue to bite my tongue and refrain from tears falling. It seems that Newt could no longer do the same. He let out a quick breath of air, a small faint sob filled the air around us. He sniffled slightly and with a rough and hasty movement his hand rubbed off the few tears trailing down his cheek and had pushed the hand through his hair, pulling back the few locks of brunette hair that dangled in his face. His head still hung low as he glanced up at me, "You know, this isn't really goodbye," his unforgettable small smile spread across his face, it hid his quivering lip well.

       "I know Newt. It's just..." I took in a shaky breath, water brimmed my eyes, "I just don't like being alone. I know that when you leave, Leta won't be there for me like you were. She... she was a taker, Newt," my legs begin to shake beneath me, "I - I never could tell you how much I disdain her. Listen, I know you love her, but she doesn't love you like I do Newt," I took his hands in mine, but he pulled them away. He straightened his back and looked at me, his eyes matching mine.

       "You can't say that, (Y/N), I love her because I trust her." He snapped at me. He kept his voice steady, but it was stern.

       "So you don't trust me? You know Newt, if it was me you took the blame for, I would have thanked you a thousand times, I would have made sure you remained happy the rest of your days! By Merlin's Beard, Newton - I would never let you take the blame in the first place! Do you think I'm lying to you? Newt, I care for you, I worry about you!" I had gotten up and close to Newt by now. Our noses almost touching. We stood there for what seemed like forever. Our gazes trained into each other's eyes. Like reading a book, I was reading his expressions as he did mine. Finally, he blinked a couple of times and backed up.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2018 ⏰

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