Chapter 9

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*Knock knock* "Get y'all a** Up! It's time to go hiking." Shouted Lawrence from outside of Michael's room. Michael and Shay wake up and get dressed for the morning hike and Shay suddenly isn't feeling to well. "I feel sick, like my stomach hurts" she says as she gets into the back seat of the car and lies down. "Well you can stay here if you'd like." Replied michael. Shay sits up, nods her head side to side, and lays back down on the seat.

After arriving at the mountain trail, Lawrence, Michael, and Shay exit the car and begin to start the hike. "You good boo?" Michael asks as he see's Shay is out of breath. "Think I need to rest for a second." She Says As she sits on a nearby rock. Lawrence removes a water bottle from his backpack and hands it to Michael for Shay. "Here, drink some water." Says Michael. Shay begins to lean forward and puke, holding her stomach with pain on her face. "Want me to carry you back down?" Michael asks as he rubs her back in comfort.

Shay gets up and continues the hike, successfully completing the trail with Michael and Lawrence. Taking pictures at the mountain top, Shay and Michael admire the sunrise over the beautiful city as the wind blows through Shay's hair. As they begin to head back home Michael's Phone begins to ring. It's Taylor!!

"Hey are you busy today? I want to hang out with you." Says Taylor Over the Phone. Michael hangs up the phone call and focuses all of his attention on Shay. "We're Going To Hit The Gym Later." Michael Says to Shay while reaching over the seat to rub her stomach. Shay refuses Michael's gym offer and decides to head home. Michael's Phone rings and he sees that it is Taylor. "What do you want?"Says Michael as he answers the phone. "I just needed someone to talk to" Taylor replies is a shaky voice.

"I know I'm the last person you want to talk to right now but I need help!" She Says. After walking back and forth Michael finally sits down to her what Taylor has to say. "Yes, I cheated on you and no I don't know whose baby it was. I feel horrible." She cries. "What do you mean WAS?" Replied Michael. The phone gets quiet as both Taylor and Michael are lost for words. "I had a miscarriage Michael!" Taylor says right before she ends the call on Michael. . .

"No words can even explain this situation. How do you react to such news as this? You get cheated on and the person who cheated ends up being pregnant! Then not finding out who was the child's father?"

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