"When did you get here?"

"Just now" I answer.

"How'd you know about the party?" Alec says taking my drink and takes a big gulp from it "did you come with anyone?"

"I hear the party from Nick" I say "Maya dropped me off here but I didn't come with anyone"

"Nick told you?" He asks surprised.

"He told Alyssa while I was with her and Aaron was the one to invite me" I explain.

"Ah" Alec nods his head having it make sense to him.

"Give me back my drink" I say snatching the now empty cup from him. I sigh looking at te cup then at Alec who's smirking at me.

"Juat don't drink too much, you won't want Tyler to find you drunk" Alec laughs at the situation.

"That's not funny" I say "that would be terrible"

Alec hands me a drink to make up for the one he stole. He wraps an arm around me and starts walking towards some people. "Let's join Alyssa and Aaron" Alec says.

As he says that I spot them dancing and laughing together,  I smike at the scene before me. I remember when she once told me that she liked Aaron, but I'm not sure if she still does. They look really good together, I mean he does seem like Alyssa's type.

"Tony!" Alyssa says with a smile when she spots me. Me and Alec finally get to them and when we me and Alyssa give a side hug. "I thought you weren't coming"

"Nick thought I wasn't coming, I never said I wasn't" I say.

"You wouldn't have to worry about Nick catching you, he'd be too busy grinding on some chick than notice you" Aaron laugs.

I scrunch my nose in disgust. Aaron notices my reaction and laughs at me.

"Quit laughing at me" I say making a motion threatening to spill alcohol on his expensive jacket.

Aaron steps bak with his hands up,,"alright alright"

I smik and take a sip.

Again Alec takes my drink and drinks it, I take it away from him before he finishes it and finish it myself, "dude get your own"

"I already walked all the way over here, I'm not walking back" Alec says.

"Lazy ass" I say.

I look over at Alec who doesn't seem to be paying attention to me. I turn around to see who he's looking at but I dont find any specific person, "Alec?"

He turns his attention back on me "stay with me the whole time, there's some guys I don't want you running into"

Alec isn't like Tyler who freaks over anyone of the male species, when he does act over protective it's actually serious so I decide to stick with Alec.


I lean against a table with another drink in my hand. At this point I am a little drunk, but not to much. I talk and laugh with a couple people around me while Alec excused himself to play around with some girl he was flirting with earlier. I didn't leave Alec at any point of the party, we were either close together talking with or near each other with a different group of people. Alec hasn't done anything to make me annoyed at him except when he broke up my encounter with Mike to be his damn wing women for the girl he's sucking faces with right now.

Alec literally tapped our shoulders and picked me up off of Mike's lap while we were making out saying, "I need to borrow her for a second" the part that annoyed me the most was that he didn't even need me! I tried my hardest not smack him upside his damn head. After I didn't see Mike he probably found some other girl to make out with, I don't know I didn't actually look for him, I don't really care, if I see him then I'll proably go up to him.

I put my empty cup on the table behind me and walk over to the black couch I was eyeing. I'm just really tired from standing for so long I need to take a seat, and that couch looks comfortable ass hell. As I walked up to the couch, the light in that part of the room got dimmer, so I couldn't see the people who were standing around or near their faces well.

All I thought about was how happy legs will feel when I sit down on that couch. Right when I get to the couch I take a seat without even looking to see where on the couch I sat on. I felt a persons lap as I sat down and quickly moves off of it, "sorry, I didn't see you their"

He chuckles, "it's alright, I'm not complaining"

His voice sounds familiar. Do I know him? He's probably in one of my classes.

"You could get back on if you want" he says. Even though I couldn't see his face clearly I could imagine the smirk playing on his face. He rubs his hand up against my thigh and with that I find myself getting comfortable on his lap.

He wraps one arm around my wasit and the his other hand rests on my thigh. He leans onto my neck leaving kisses and sucking on my skin. I giggle as I change my sitting position on him, I turn face to face with him and remain sitting on his lap in a straddling position. He grabs my legs and pulls me closer to him and places his hands on my waist.

"Damn" he groaned before kissing me. Immediately I answer back mlving my lips in sync with his. He licks my lips asking for entrance and of course I let him in. I let out a light moan and feel him smirk. I mean he's a damn good kisser!

I clutch his shirt and pull him closer against me. He slips off my jacket and trails his hand up my shirt I'm afraid he might take it off but I'm not in the state of mind to worry about that right now, all I want is him.

The kiss gets hotter and hotter both of us surprising more moans. I find myself grinding ontop of him as he groans into my mouth kissing me harder. I slip my hands under his shirt and feel his abs, I was tempted to take his shirt off and reveal his hot body but someone interrupted my horny thoughts.

"Tony!" An angry males voice.

I quickly break from the kiss to look up at my dangerously angry brother.

"Tony?" The guy says loosening his grip on me and sits up. I turn away from my brothers angry gaze to look at him, "Tony!" He says surprised now that it was confirmed it is me. "Fuck!" He says frustrated and pushes me off of him.

I was surprised at his action, are the guys at school really this afraid of getting caught by Tyler?

I look back at Tyler who is fuming right now, he gives me an angry glare and turns his attention to the boy, his expression dramatically changes and his eyes widen in surprise, but he didn't keep it for long and went back to being more angry than he was before this time walking over to us.

I actually look at the guys face closely this time and my gaw drops once I realize who he is, "fuck" I mumble.

I am not ready for what's about to happen next.

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