auld lang syne

240 14 10

left, right, left

you're down to your last few steps
as you go aboard that plane. i can't help but tell how much you look wonderful tonight, dear. and you're going to leave me again in 3... 2... 1... i could hear them steps dwindling amid the fireworks confidently bursting skywardㅡvaricolored in the night's black canvas.

in that instant, i could also hear my emotions surging, my heart throbbing as loud as the firecrackers shouting in the sky.

i mumbled,
what's tonight
if you're not
by my side?

as soon as the light touched my feet, i urgently realized the break of day has already come and i'm standing still in the same exact spot, waiting for your return.

it's when i noticed: the moment the fireworks ended, the pang i felt subsided and then all at onceㅡgone.

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