Chapter 5 (Tissue Warning)

Start from the beginning

right away Hunk responded.

H: what is it?

P:brace yourself

P: the doctors told me I only have 3 weeks left to live.

H: What?????

H: NO! please don't leave me!!!

P: I'm sorry

H: Don't be its not your fault you have cancer it wasn't something you could control.

P: Thank you Hunk I need to tell Allura and Shiro now.

Pidge switched her contacts to Allura. She never really got to know her well but she had always thought of her as the mom of the group much like how Shiro is the dad of the group.

P: I have told everyone except you and Shiro I'm going to tell him last and everyone is taking it hard. I have been given 3 weeks to live.

Instantly she got a reply.


P: Its okay I have always thought of you as a mom and I will for sure miss you.

pidge closed her phone and saw lance walk in.

"if your wondering where your mom is she is in the cafetria and looking at photos of you but i got your lunch." lance smiled.

"Thank you." pidge smiled sadly. "I've told everyone except for Shiro I'm trying to build up the courage he has always been a father figure to me ever since we met up again."

"He has the right to now and it will hurt him hard heck it has hurt everyone." Lance hugged her.

Pidge opened her phone and opened it to Shiro's contact she started texting.

P: Shiro you need to sit down for this I have something to tell you.

Pidge decided to ease in and not tell him off the bat.

S: what is it Pidge?

P: you know how I have been in the hospital lately.

S: yes?

P: the doctors told me i only have 3 weeks left to live.


P: my immune system is very week a simple cold could kill me. I can't even stand.

S:Pidge I'm coming to see you I don't want you to die without me seeing you.

P: it's three weeks it's not like I'm dead right now.

S: I still want to see you.

P: oh Shiro.

Pidge smiled she was happy on how well he took the news but she was still upset but she cuddled into lance who had fallen asleep.

Pidge ate her food it was nothing special just chilli.

Once she finished she fell asleep.

~ later ~

Pidge woke up gasping for air she looked around and everyone was there. doctors were in the room working on her machines hanging more bags onto the IV stand. Suddenly everyone side of relief.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"You flatlined we thought we lost you." Her mom hugged her right away.

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