The place he’d chosen for the flag was perfect. A clearing surrounded by huge boulders, identical to Zeus’ Fist. There was a stream nearby, handy if Percy got injured. He could also use it as a weapon. He could hear the chaos of the battle not far from their spot. Hannibal the elephant was included. He could hear Leo screaming “I’M GONNA ROAST YOU WITH MY HOTNESS!” Percy chuckled at him. He could almost imagine him yelling while shooting kick-ass fireballs. That guy never could lose his sense of humour. “What?” asked Nico. He’d almost forgotten he was there. “Uh, nothing. I thought I heard Leo” Nico smirked. This was it. The perfect moment to tell him. “So, uh, Nico, what I was going to say awhile ago...” he was cut short by Jason and Hazel storming into the clearing. Why was he always being interrupted?! “Great timing, Grace. Great timing.” Growled Percy. “You were gonna tell him? That can wait. Our victory comes first” and with that, Jason smirked and attacked Percy.

 Nico was busy battling Hazel, but he parried her strike and butted her on the head with his sword hilt. “Tell me what, Percy?” he yelled. Hazel groaned and retaliated with speed, summoning jewels that targeted her brother. Nico managed to raise a wall of black energy just in time to send the expensive shards shattering. “Nothing!” yelled back Percy with difficulty as he tried the disarming manoeuvre on Jason, who swatted his sword away easily. “Tell him! TELL HIM!” Jason kept yelling while he slashed at Percy, fighting in the Roman style, which Percy wasn’t used to. Nico bumped into him from behind, swinging his sword. “I can’t see! HAZEL!” he screamed at his half-sister, who was controlling the Mist, clouding Nico’s sight. “Sorry, brother. All’s fair in love and war.” Said Hazel as she got closer to the flag. “No!” screamed Percy. He concentrated on the gurgling stream, all the while fighting Jason. He knew he’d succeeded in controlling it when he heard a splash and an infuriated scream behind him. The distraction was just what Nico needed. Hazel lost control of the Mist and was sitting on the ground, drenched with water. She blinked the water out of her eyes, only to see her brother’s blade a few inches from them. “All’s fair in love and war, Hazel.” He grinned wickedly. Hazel muttered something about stupid traitor brothers as she got up.

Meanwhile, Percy was having the fight of his life with Jason. “Need help?” Nico called out. “Oh, Percy needs your help more than you think, Nico.” Said Jason meaningfully. Percy lashed his foot out to kick him, but Jason grabbed and pulled him forward, making him land flat on his podex. Again. “Why won’t you just tell him, Percy?” Jason said, breathing heavily, his golden blade only a few inches away from Percy’s chest. Percy kicked out his legs from under him, almost impaling Jason on his own sword. Percy quickly stood up. Now their positions were reversed. “Do you think it’s that easy, Grace? I can’t just rush forward and tell Nico I like him back! He’ll think that I was just-” Percy stopped short, his eyes widening as they fell on Nico, who was watching them fight. This meant he saw and heard the whole thing. “N-n-n-nico?” choked out Percy. “Was that what you were going to tell me a while ago?” asked Nico, his eyes softening. Percy nodded silently. A cheer erupted from the other side of the forest. “We won! WE WON!” they could hear the Stoll brothers yelling as their group rallied out of the woods, carrying a big red banner.

Jason got up, brushed the dirt off his clothes, and said “Well, we’ll give you two some privacy.” And with a wicked grin, he tapped Hazel’s shoulder. “Race ya back?” “You are so going to lose, Jason Grace.” And they ran off, but not before Hazel gave them a suspicious glance. An awkward pause passed between the two. Man up, Jackson. He thought to himself. He looked at Nico, who was staring at the stars. “So, um, we won!” said Percy, trying to break the tension between them. “Oh, really? I hadn’t noticed.” Replied Nico sarcastically, but when he looked back at him, Percy could see that his eyes were teasing. “You are stupid and clueless, Seaweed Brain.” He smirked as he moved towards Percy. they were so close now that their faces were only inches apart. “Not to mention devilishly handsome” added Percy as he struck a ridiculous provocative pose. Nico’s expression turned serious and he asked “So, is it true? Do you really, um, like me back?” Percy leaned towards the other boy and closed the remaining space between their lips. He pulled back after a second, enjoying the varying colour in Nico’s cheeks. “Does that answer your question?” “I still don’t believe you.” teased Nico, but he smiling now, more happily than Percy had ever seen him before. They were startled by a loud bang! The firework show had already begun, the Hephaestus campers had really outdone themselves tonight. “Well then,” said Percy as he wrapped an arm around Nico’s waist, pulling him forward and making their foreheads touch “You’ll just have to take a risk and trust me.” They both stopped talking, and unconsciously added a pretty little tableau of love and happiness to the colourful scene above them.

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