I open the sliding door, and stand from a far as I watched Imad play. "Layla!" He yelled out my name, when he saw me. I waved at him, and smiled. He is still in his school uniform. After a few more minutes of playing, Imad ran to me and hugged me. " I got a new football ball. Uncle Hussein brought it for me," he said, excitedly.

"That's nice. Now you have to go take a shower and after that..."

"I know I know, I have to do my homework and then I can play with my ipad." He said walking past me, throwing the ball and catching it. I couldn't help it but smile, alhamdulliah he is home and safe.

"You are really good with him," Hussein spoke in a husky tone, then smiled. Something I have never seen Mr Ahmed do.

"Yes," I replied.

"Sorry about picking him up from school without letting anyone know. You must have been worried. I just missed him, I thought it would be nice to spend a little time with him," he spoke in a polite manner.

"That's okay — I am just glad he is safe."

"My brother is one lucky guy," he mumbled under his breath. I awkwardly smiled and walked away. That was bizarre, I thought to myself. My phone started ringing, I took it out my purse. The caller ID, read Adil. I wonder why he's calling me, I picked up the call.

"Hello?" I said in a low tone.

"Are you at the mansion?" He asked.

"Yes I am," I replied. "Why? Is everything okay?" I asked, my curiosity taking over.

"I am on my way ," Adil said, and hang up. As I walk back inside the mansion — Hussein grabs my hand.

"Leave my hand!" I yelled.

"No," he said, in a low voice. "I want to talk to you."

"I do not care. Just let go of me," I said in a firm tone.

"I need you to do something for me," he says and let's go of my hand. "My mother is sitting on my inheritance money and I need that money as soon as possible. I need her to sign some papers."

"I will not get involved in your family affairs. It's not my business," I told him. It seems like the whole Damari family is messed up in some way.

"I will pay you," he said. The door bell rang, it must be Adil.

"I don't want your money. I don't want anything from you," I told him and walked away from him. The door bell was rang several of times, until I opened the door. Adil stood there, his eyes filled sympathy and concern. Already in his uniform, all white, decorated with shoulder badges and pins.

"Are you okay?" He asked me, in a low tone.

"Adil what a surprise? It's nice to see you cousin," Hussein walked past me and went to hug Adil. Adil didn't budge, it doesn't seem like he likes him.

"What's going on here?" I asked.

"Layla this man is no truthful person nor humane. Money is all he has ever cared about," Adil spoke. "And he will do anything in his power to attain it. Anything. Even if it means killing or cheating his loved ones along the way."

"Not entirely true cousin... I wouldn't kill. Money is essential to live in this world, without it you are just as pathetic and useless. You might see me as a monster but when you have the chance to be rich you take it. Anyone would," he said, as if a preacher. Though his words were completely nonsense.

"I don't want anything to do with this, whatever this is." Mr Ahmed's brother left, and he got into his car.

I carefully watch as Adil removes something from his trouser's pocket. In his hand he held a round-cut diamond ring. A ring? I can't believe it. "I wanted to give you something before I leave. You don't have to tell me your answer now. I am sorry for what I said earlier, that was totally out of context. My feelings for you can't  easily change. I want you to keep this ring and whenever you're ready, just tell me. Even if it's after some years, I will wait for you because honestly I don't want anyone else."

"Adil I don't know what to say," I told him. My cheeks flushed, I know they're pink now. As for my excitement—the adrenaline rush, made it hard to even think.

"You don't have to say anything. Just keep the ring," he said. I gave out my hand and he kept the ring on my palm, the ring is so lovely.

"Thank you, this is so... I am speechless. I'll be sure to have an answer when we see each other again," I said, while taking quick glances at the ring.

"Yes insha allah. You owe yourself the love that you so freely give to other people," he said. "I should get going now."

"Take care," I told him.

"Thank you, you too Layl." He didn't give up... I looked at the ring and couldn't stop smiling.

Thanks for reading.❤️

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