7 Minutes to Spy on Mark

Start from the beginning

I kept my voice low, “No, that party was great.”

She sat at the foot of my bed, “Do you want to talk about it?” I knew she was trying her best not to pry.

Honestly, I didn’t want to talk about it. I didn’t want to talk about my confused feelings for a girl I’m wasn’t even sure that I knew. I didn’t want to talk about why I was falling in love with a girl who I thought liked me too, but in reality only thought of me as a “friend”.

“I’m really tired from the party.” I told my mom. I didn’t care if she bought it or not. I just wanted to be alone.

“Okay.” She kissed the top my head and walked away from my bed. “Goodnight, Superman.”

“Night, mom.”

“Love you.” She said before closing the door.

I waited until her footsteps fainted to turn back on my back. I stared at the ceiling until my eyes started to burn. Closing them, I took a deep breathe. I tried to push all thoughts of Mariya and Mark and the kiss that me and Mariya shared out of my mind. Finally, sleep overtook me.


Waking up to the bright light shining through my window, I covered my head with my blanket. I groaned as my mom, opened my door and said, “Wake up, honey. Even Superman doesn’t let his breakfast get cold.”

Relentlessly, I uncovered my head and rubbed my eyes. “Well, Superman didn’t have an awesome mom who let him sleep in.”

Mom laughed. “Nice try. Now, up and adam. Pancakes are on the table.”

“Mmm… ‘kay.” I said as she left my room, leaving the door open.

I yawned and stretched. I walked out into the hallway and started my way down the stairs. Turning the corner, I walked up to into the kitchen and found the small plate of fluffy heaven. I grabbed a plate and picked three pancakes off the plate. Not bothering to get a fork, I bite off a chunk of the first pancake and headed to the living room.

I wiped my hand on my pajama pants before grabbing the remote and turning on the tv to my favorite show, Supernatural.

In the episode, Sam was walking down a street with his brother Dean. Sam was trying to explain to Dean that he has been living the same day over and over. “Yesterday was Tuesday, but today is Tuesday too.” Just as Dean was about to cross the street, a truck was coming towards him. Sam pulled Dean back on the sidewalk.

I kept watching episode after episode until it was noon. I turned off the tv and walked up into the kitchen. After placing my plate in the sink, I leaned on the counter. “Well, Austin.” I whispered to myself. “What are you gonna now?” I sighed and went up to my room.

I knew I had to go the cinema. To meet Mariya. But I also knew that Mark was going to be there too. The thought of him sitting next to Mariya made me sick. I changed into a red flannel, jeans, and converse. Before I left my room, I grabbed my phone and wallet.


I made it to the cinema 30 minutes before 1. The cinema was on the second level of the town’s only mall. I waited outside of the cinema’s doors, between signs that advertised the upcoming movies. I looked at my cell phone. 12:32. Mariya should be coming soon.

I waited a few minutes. Then I saw Mark. He was with a couple of his buddies. They started to walk towards me. I quickly hide behind one of the signs.

“Man, I still can’t get over that party last night.” One of his friends said. He was wearing a black v-neck, washed out red jeans, and black converse. I took my phone out and started up the camera app. And started recording.

“Yeah, I know what you mean.” Mark shoved his hands into his pocket. Then he took out his cell phone, looked at it and put in back in his pocket. “Almost 1.”

“What are you planning, Mark?” His other friend asked, wearing a blue hoodie, black jeans, and grey converse.

Mark looked at him with a look I didn’t quite care for. It took everything in me not to slap it off his face. “Nothing. Chill, man. I’m just going to have a little fun.”

“Dude, you shouldn't be 'having a little fun' with Mariya Illkson. She’s the mayor's daughter.” Hoodie Boy warned Mark, who quickly waved it off.

“Nah. Look, Mariya likes me. And I’m single-” I didn’t like where he was going, and neither did Hoodie Boy.

“Don’t do anything stupid.” He told Mark.

“I’m only going to have my fun. Until I don’t need her anymore.”

“You mean you’re going to have sex with her and then dump her.” Said Red Jeans.

“Just like the other girls.” Hoodie Boy added before leaving. I grinned as I watched him leave. Good boy. You stay clear of assholes.

Mark looked confused, “What’s his deal?” He asked Red Jeans.

Red Jeans looked at Mark in the eyes and pointed at his chest. “You, man. He’s sick of watching you use every girl in school. And to be honest, so am I.” Then he turned and followed the trial Hoodie boy went. I looked at Mark and smiled. Well, look whos running out of friends.

Mark shook his head and mumbled, “Whatever.”

And as if on cue, Mariya came walking our way- I mean, his way. “Hey, Mark.”

7 minutes in Heaven (Love Games #1)Where stories live. Discover now