"A Deal Of Many"

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(Y/n) walked up the steps as he sat at the Top towards the back of the classroom. He sat in the empty seat and looked over seeing the red glowing face come to view. 'The one and Only Ultron! Tried to destroy the world and Tony Stark! And my future new best friend in this Academy!' He said looking to the viewers and looked back. "Hey there, Deadpool, good to meet ya." He said having his hand out. Ultron stared at him having his arms crossed. "Guess we're not there yet, but honest, big fan, have your character card and everything."
(Y/n) happily said as Ultron sighed and looked down. "I enjoyed the quietness here, don't bother, and I won't attack." Ultron said and turned away as he was working on his arm trying to fix the dents and circuits sticking out. Deadpool blinked as he turned over and listened to the class. The bell rang. Everyone gathered there things getting up. "So! Buddy Amigo! Friend! Where are we going?!" He happily said having an arm over him. Ultron groaned and moved his hand off. "Your going to lunch, I'm going somewhere else." He flipped Deadpool over the desk and walked away. (Y/n) coughed heavily and stood up. "Okay, see ya later buddy!" He yelled out and walked off having a piece of wood stick out of his back.

Deadpool headed to the cafeteria seeing multiple heroes and villains sitting down and eating. He grabbed his lunch tray and looked at all the selections. He grabbed two sand which buns and began to fill it up with multiple food items as he smiled happily and soon went down the line happily. He looked around and held the sand which as some of the food spilled. He sat at an empty table and began to eat happily. "Hey, mind if we sit?" Someone asked. (Y/n) looked over and nodded seeing three people. One of them was Agent Phil Coulson, Task Master, and Spider Woman. "Sure, let me just move this out of the way." He moved the giant sub over as they say having there food down. "So your the new student right? The one and Only Deadpools son!?" Phil asked as (Y/n) smirked and nodded eating. "The one and only." He smiled and leaned back. "So how's the campus treating you?" Spider Woman asked. "It's good, met Ultron, grumpy, and has that loner vibe but I think we're gonna get along just fine." He winked to Spider Woman as Task Master ate. "It's not his fault. He tried winning in a fight against Iron Man, but he lost so he lost his lab, unable to fix himself." He ate. Deadpool peaked in happily. "Lab you say? Do I get one?!" He happily asked. In joy only to think of what he could create. "Only if Iron Man lets you. It's in Stark Tower here on campus, some students don't get any cause..well I don't know why." Phil said thinking out loud. Deadpool saw this as he stood up and dusted himself off. "Alright, I'll go ask him. Stay here, smile, and also smile cause why not!" Deadpool said telling Phil then pointed to Spider Woman and then Task Master as he grumbled. Everyone ate as they talked. People noticed this and watched Deadpool skipped and walked to the main Avenger table. It consisted of Thor, Hulk, Black Widow, Captain America, Wasp, Hawk eye, and Iron Man. "Hey there! Hello! What up, and how do you do! It's me, the one and only Deadpool!! But you can call me (Y/n)!" He smirked and posed having his blades out and held his blasters and put them away. "Good to meet you Soldier! What can we do for you?" Steve asked as Deadpool stood in front of them. "Two things, one, can you sign my vintage card of you! And I have a bone to pick with Tony Stank!" He pointed as Steve signed his collector card. Tony saw this and stood up. "It's Stark, and go on what's the bone you have to pick? I don't even know you." He said. Both stared and stood each other's ground as everyone stared at them. "I want a lab, not just for me but for everyone on the campus." He stretched and stared at Tony. He chuckled and popped his neck. "Alright, that's NOT gonna happen. Unless you think you can beat me?" He laughed and sat back down and completely ignored him. "I can! Anywhere anytime!" Tony looked at him and stood up. "Fine, if you win everyone gets a lab, and I'll personally make you your own Iron Suit!" He smirked and popped his knuckles. (Y/n) smirked and looked to everyone as some clapped happily. "But, if you lose, I take your dorm room and everything in it." Some gasped hearing this. Both in a stare down. (Y/n) held his hand out as Tony shook it sealing the deal. "You better get ready Stank, I'm bringing the pain to this fight." He walked away as everyone began to talk about this on how it could end. "See, easy!" He smirked going back to his table. "You do realize if you lose you have no where to go, right?" Spider Woman said in concern as he smirked and kicked back. "I got this! Just need to make a call!" He stood up fast and left. Ultron used the camera audio and hacked into it to hear this deal as he saw him go. "Tony might actually lose this one." He walked off leaving.

Deadpool waited at the side of the Entrance and sighed. "Come on I'm waiting!!" He saw a motorcycle pull up seeing one of the X-men he knew. "Good to see ya! Bag please." (Y/n) asked getting the bag full of ammunition. "Here you are, also she still talks about you, the school isn't the same without you." The X-men said.
(Y/n) looked to the side knowing how it was for him then. "Tell everyone I said Hi, and thanks." He waved bye grabbing his bag and headed back into the campus. He held his head remembering the Academy as he shook his head and ran back to his dorm. The Deal has been set! Now anything can happen! (Y/n) is missed by the X-men and someone in particular missed him as well. But who?

To Be Continued...

(Hey Guys!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please Vote and comment down below on the Chapter and what ya thought about it!
I DO NOT own any of the puns or the media in this book! I DO NOT own Marvel or the characters that belong to the franchise. I DO NOT own anything that belongs to all the Marvel or X-Men franchise. The reader belongs to themselves. And now a small sneak peak on a future chapter!!!

Helicopters flew around the Academy and in all directions. Tv Reporters asked multiple avengers and had many reports on what happened. (Y/n) panted heavily holding his side. His costume was ripped and singed all around. He heard stomping and began to run again through a Forrest. Helicopters spotted him and followed as multiple agents moved in on him. Hulk jumped out of the Forrest and in front of him. He stopped in his tracks being surrounded. "That's enough, just turn yourself in." One of them said. Deadpool looked around as he pulled out both his blades looking at everyone. "That's enough, stay right there and come with us." War Machine said flying in as other heroes showed up looking at him. "I told you, it wasn't me, I'm innocent!" He looked to them. He saw Hulk, Thor, Iron Man, War Machine, Red Hulk, Wasp, Ant Man, Hawkeye, Iron Fist, Agent Venom, Groot, and Ms Marvel. "No one has to get hurt, just come with us quietly, if you say your innocent then let us help you and prove it. But you have to come in!" Iron Man looked to him. (Y/n) looked all around him as he sighed and looked at both his blades. They were damaged and dented. "Sorry, but I'm gonna prove I'm innocent, with or without you." He swung his blades and ran to them as multiple agents fired from above and below. Hulk Screamed and ran to him as everyone else did so as well. He ran past most of them trying to doge every hit being injured more as he ran faster and faster. He saw a clearing and soon lost his balance as he jumped seeing a cliff and fell into the water fall as the agents swarmed in seeing him gone. The Tv Reports indicated that (Y/n), the son of the original Deadpool had kidnapped Director Nick Furry and stole multiple secrets from Avengers Academy. He is now a wanted man and will get justice. One way or another.

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