"That will be the best thing for him." Liz smiled. "Honey, the doctors truly believe his unconscious state is due to the swelling which he is getting medicine for. He can breathe on his own. He is getting fluids. They do have him on a catheter just because his brain and body needs time to heal; and he obviously can't get up to use the restroom right now. They said if his heart rate indicates he is in pain then they will give him something. He just needs sleep."

Meryl looked around. "I need to get to him. He needs to hear my voice."

"He will, Mer, but not yet." Larry said gently. "We have arranged it to where you both will be in the same room; but you aren't out of surgical recovery yet."

Meryl shook her head. "Surgery?"

"When you got Don out of the car you ripped your sutures." Liz began to explain. "You lost lots of blood and lost consciousness. Suze was with you. They gave you transfusions and also injected antibiotics into your surgical site for fear of infections from the explosion. They also removed debris chards from you and you have a few minor burns and abrasions they have treated and will continue to do so. They took you into surgery to cauterize your incisions. They are treating you as a c-section patient. You can still nurse and take care of the babies."

Larry smiled at her. "In Don's room; you'll be in a bed with him."

"They will bring you diapers and bassinets and everything you need for the babies." Liz said. "They will also help as needed. You just needed a little longer in recovery."

Meryl started crying again. "Thank you so much for being here; I know you were taking great care of us."

"Mer, since Don was unconscious I consented to his treatment and yours." Larry explained. "Since I'm secondary power of attorney."

Meryl nodded. "Thank you. How's Suze? I hated that she was put in the middle. I assume you heard about the kids and what started all of this."

"We did." Liz sighed. "I'm so sorry, honey."

Meryl shook her head. "I love those children so much, more than anything; but I am so furious at them. I don't get why they keep going after him when he's only ever been such a wonderful father."

"We talked to Suze." Larry began. "She told them what happened with the accident and yours and Don's care and everything that's been going on here. She didn't call them just as she promised you she wouldn't do; it wasn't until she knew you all were stable that she took Lily back to the house to feed her and tell the kids. She called a little while ago; and the kids are absolutely sick and devastated, of course. They wanted to come up here but she told them no; that you needed time. The girls didn't like that, but Henry knew that was what you all needed; and he also knows he screwed up."

Meryl smiled softly. "I mean what I said; I do love them more than anything and so does their father; but I think that is best. At least for now."

"They told Suze that they've had such an amazing, and stable, life; so when they think it is in jeopardy they freak out." Liz explained. "If they think that Don isn't who they have always known and loved and trusted then they lash out at him because they know that no matter what he will always be there for him. She told them it had to stop because today they could have lost the both of you. She told them that apologizing isn't going to cut it completely this time. I guess while you all were gone Henry and the girls realized how wrong they were, how they were just scared of the unknown, of losing the amazing parents they have always had and wanted to make it right with the both of you."

Meryl nodded. "I know they didn't make him lose control of the car but they did set this in motion. Suze is right. I need time. Lou? Did someone tell her? She needs to know."

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