"I mean if you can't come yourself I guess it's cool...If he gon be around you and the kids a lot from now on maybe I should get to know him a little."He says surprising me so much that I almost drop my towel.

"Yea...I mean if you want to.I appreciate that though Devon."I say and he sighs.

"Yea you welcome.I'll talk to you later,bye."He says and after I say goodbye he hangs up,almost as soon as I'm off the phone David comes up behind me and starts kissing on my neck.

"David I gotta get dressed..."I say keeping in my moans but he doesn't stop.We literally just got done in the shower and he still not satisfied!

"I wanna take you out tomorrow night....Somewhere fancy and shit."He says and I smile nodding,we have never gone to a fancy dinner so I'm excited.I turn to face him and he holds my waist tightly.

"What's the occasion?"I ask rubbing on his chest and he shrugs looking down at me.

"I just want to take you out and show you off....But I know you bout to be late so I'm a stop "bothering" you."He says playfully rolling his eyes and I laugh hitting his chest a little.I give him a quick kiss and then he let's me go,I go get dressed cuz I know only got like 15 minutes to leave.....

"Ok take these three boxes."

"He need all these diapers?"He asks picking them all up and I laugh nodding,I open the door for him and we leave the room.

"I have a whole bunch and the kids are over there a lot more nowadays..."I say shrugging and he nods picking up his keys off the table.We go out the front door and he puts the diapers in his car before coming back over to me.

"So I'm a see you tomorrow..."He says biting his lip and I nod smiling.

"Stop by the club?"I suggest rubbing his chest but he shakes his head.I love when he comes cuz I can just stay round him most of the night and say I'm giving him private dances.

"Nah I got business..Sorry but I can probably come back later tonight but no promises."

"It's ok baby....I'll call you tomorrow."I say kissing him quickly and getting in the front seat before he can prolong our goodbye.He likes to have these long ass goodbyes but I don't have time for that today.I blow a kiss to him and he taps on the glass till I roll down the window."What David?I gotta go!"

"All I wanted to say was don't be doing too much at the club tonight."He says and I roll my eyes and suck my teeth,I roll the window back up which makes him laugh.I wait for him to get in his car before I pull off towards the club.


"You got that good dick glow Miracle!"Janae says acting a fool and me and Kendra laugh at her.They've been pestering me about David all day cuz I did walk in happy as fuck and they know that lately I haven't been happy at the club.

"But for real though Miracle how are you and David?"Kendra asks looking away from the mirror to look at me and I can't help but smile thinking bout him.I try to hide my smile by pretending I'm doing my blush but they caught me so I just give in.

"We're great!"I say and they start squealing like some little ass girls."Were going on a date tomorrow and the way he was talking bout it made me feel like he's planning something..."I say and they look confused.

"You think he'll say he loves you?"Janae asks teasing and I laugh waving that off.

"Don't you think it's too soon?We've only been dating like a month..."I say and Janae shakes her head while Kendra shrugs.

"If you really feeling a nigga then it's never too soon!"Janea says and me and Kendra laugh at her.Janea is more of a hopeless romantic to be honest,she has a different nigga every month and she always claims it's a serious relationship but I know her and know that she's not trying to settle down.

"Well I think you should take your time and feel things out cuz you haven't really been in a relationship for a while...."

"Yea I get that but I feel like I've known him forever...As stupid and cheesy as that sounds.I haven't been this happy in a long time."I say and they cheese at me which makes me laugh.

"Well if he was to say he loves you would you say it back?"

"....Yea but only cuz I know how he can be and I wouldn't want him to take me not saying it back the right way.Is that a bad reason?Cuz I do really like him."I say and they nod.

"Well what do you love about him?"Kendra asks and that makes me smile cuz there's a lot of things I love about him.

"Well I love how goofy he is but at the same time how aggressive he is.I love how much the kids love him and that he loves them right back....He's basically everything I wanted Devon to be in a fine ass package."I say and they crack up but I'm dead ass about that.Everything I didn't like about Devon isn't a problem with David and I love how easy it is.

"Maybe I do love him?"

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