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"Papa, I'm tired," Scott whined to Mason as the whole Pentatonix crew entered the hotel. They were in New York for tour, and Scott was exhausted. It was past one when they arrived, which was way past Scotty's bed time.

"I know, bud. When we get our room key, we'll go up to the room, I'll give you a bath, and then we can sleep for as long as you want, because you have nothing to do until two. How's that sound?" Scott let out a whine.

"No bath. Tired," he mumbled, Mason letting out a laugh.

"I know you are, but you're stinky. I don't wanna sleep with a stinky boy." Scott let out a grunt before resting his head on Mason's shoulder.

After a few minutes, they all got their rooms and the room keys. There wasn't much noise as they parted ways, as they were all exhausted from a long bus ride. Scott and Mason had a room with one bed on the seventh floor, which made for a nice view of the beautiful skyscrapers.

They entered the room, and Scott almost cried out in relief. He sat both of his suitcases down on the floor. One was filled with his normal, big person clothes. The other held his little things, like his onesies, pacifiers, and stuffed animals.

"I'm gonna start your bath. Don't fall asleep, okay?" Scott nodded and grabbed his stuffed bunny that Mark gave him before he left and his phone before plopping down on the bed. He started dozing off, but jumped as Mason called his name. He groaned before getting up out of bed, stripping off his clothes before walking into the bathroom.

Mason was waiting for him on the seat of the toilet. Scott stepped into the small bathtub and sat down, enjoying the warm water.

The bath was silent other than the splashing of water and the occasional groans from Scott when Mason told him to stay awake. He was almost completely asleep when it was time to get out, but got up when Mason told him to. Mason wrapped him in one of the small white towels.

"Dry off and I'll go get your clothes, okay?" Without waiting for an answer, he walked into the bedroom. Not wanting to get in trouble, Scott slowly dried himself off. Mason son returned with a onesie and a pair of boxers. "Put these on." Scott obeyed and slipped his underwear on before putting on the cute fox onesie. "Let's go, bud."

Mason left he bathroom, Scott trailing slowly behind him. Mason stripped to where he was only in his boxers then got into the bed, holding the blanket up for Scott. Scott grabbed his bunny, pacifier, and blankie before crawling on top of Mason. His legs straddled the older boy's hips as his head rested on his chest. The stuffed bunny was clutched to his chest and his pacifier was in his mouth. Soon after, Scott fell asleep.

Mason stayed up, however, admiring Scott's features. How his blonde eyelashes rested against his rosy cheeks. The way his face twitched a little as he slept. He was gorgeous. He decided to capture this moment by taking a picture and sending it to Mark.

Mason: Scotty and I say goodnight and we love you
*image attached*

Mark: Awe baby boy

Mason: 💗💖💞

Mark: Gn, love you both lots

Mason smiled gently and sat his phone on the nightstand next to the bed. He ran his fingers through his little's hair gently.

"I love you, baby boy," he whispered, before falling into a deep slumber.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2018 ⏰

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