sleepy cuddles

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a/n- so, i decided to try this out. i ship these three together so hard. i hope people actually read this. and yes, this isnt much for my first scomarson oneshot, because i didnt really know what else to write.

oh well. ¯\_()_/¯


I looked in the rear view mirror and giggled at Scott. His head was bobbing as he was trying not to fall asleep.

You see, Scott, Mark, and I went to a club. I had a couple drinks, Mark had one as he was our designated driver, but Scott had multiple, including many shots. But now all the alcohol was starting to take a toll on him.

"Mason... come cuddle," he muttered in his drunken state, making small grabby hands towards me.

"I can't, Scotty. We're in a car," I replied, making him frown. Tears slowly made way to his eyes.

"You... you don't wanna cuddle?" he whispered brokenly. Scott was, no doubt, an emotional drunk. I looked back at him again and sighed. I just couldn't say no to his cute face.

"Pull over," I said to Mark. He nodded and pulled over onto the side of the vacant road. It was around two in the morning, so no one was really out. I unbuckled and got out of the car, going to the drivers side of the back seat. As soon as I sat down, Scott flopped over, laying his head in my lap. I wrapped my arm around his shoulder, settling my hand on his forearm. He sighed in content, and before I knew it, he was asleep.


"Hey, Scotty. Wake up, baby," I said softly, trying to wake him up. "We're home." By "home" I meant his apartment that he shared with Mitch. He grunted and shook his head. "Come on, Scott. We gotta get you into bed. I know those seats aren't good for your back." After getting no response, I sighed. With some difficulty and help from Mark, I managed to pick Scott up. His legs loosely wrapped around my hips and he rested his head in the crook of my neck.

We walked up to the door of their apartment, unlocking it, as Mark and I had an extra key. I was surprised to see Mitch still up, clad in a pair of fluffy pajama pants, with Wyatt on his lap. He looked back at us and smiled, then continued doing whatever on his phone.

We walked down the hallway to Scott's room and opened the door, instantly seeing piles of dirty clothes on the floor. I stepped over them as I tried to get to his bed. When I reached it, I tried laying him down, but he latched onto me, not letting go.

"Scott, come on. Let go," I said. But, he wouldn't budge. Mark came over and pried his hands away from my shirt, causing Scott to fall on the bed. He made a noise that sounded like a mix of a whine and a grunt.

I pulled his shirt and jeans off, leaving him in tight boxer briefs. Mark and I undressed to our underwear as well, tossing out clothes into the bathroom. I laid down on the bed, leaving Mark to shut the door and turn the light off. Scott rolled over on his side, latching onto me. His leg wrapped around mine and his head rested on my chest. When Mark laid down, he did the same.

I gave both my boys a kiss on the head before falling into a peaceful sleep.

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