Chapter 1 - Part 2 - The Visit to the Mansion

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[2 weeks later]

Y/n p.o.v.
this is inside Y/n's dream....

Y/n: wh-where am i?

???: hello friend....


???: i am someone you know.... a dear friend to your family.... to your culture.....

Y/n: That doesn't answer my question...

???: you will know soon enough... heh heh heh....

Y/n: why haven't i herd you for 2 weeks?

???: waky waky

you wake up with a jerk

Y/n: that was creepy..... HEY SEBBY!!! I NEED YOU TO HELP ME WITH SOMTHIN!!!

Sebby: WHAT! WHAT! IS IT A DEMON!? as Sebby runs in and starts swinging his cross in the air

Y/n: no but i had a strange.... dream..... there was someone there but i didn't see them.... and it wasn't Ashton you got him a physical body last week.

Sebby: then it has passed on to you... *sigh* this is going to be crazy to say.....

Y/n: what... what is it?


Ashton: what is it now.... oh.... hey kid.... and if it's about our family history then i suggest you get out Sebby.... go call Sebastian to tell him he needs to come back....

Sebby: you knew then..... about the "thing" inside the kid?

Ashton: ever since i entered this boy, i knew

Y/n: know what? what is inside me? Are you going to call my great uncle Sebastian? whats going on?

Ashton: this is going to be difficult.... but..... we.... are your pass lives..... we.... thanks to Sebastian..... got us to another time line..... to now we help others with demons and what-not...

Y/n: ok.... but why am i apart of this?

Ashton: cause you carry the curse..... the curse that killed Me, Sebby, Phantom, Sara, and Sebastian....

Y/n: Sebastian who? my great uncle?

Ashton: yes.... your great uncle.... he was the only one to actually stayed alive for so long with that creature inside him.... but he died in the end.... he commanded the creature to kill him.... cause the creature wouldn't do it himself....Sebastian wanted to see new faces.... a new life take control.... Sebastian already opened the portal when he died and was rescued.... he was dead for 3 years.... but.... ha ha ha.... the pasta's saved him.... they are the nicest murderers i know..... he lives with Phantom and Sara.... but we must introduce you to the pasta's first...

Y/n: wait wait wait.... hold up.... you mean the psychopathic female murderers that live in a forest mansion, and anyone that dares to trespass in the forest dies? that....i rather die from the sinking boat then get ripped apart by eyeless Jackie for my organs.

Ashton: now you know how i felt.... and i somehow managed to survive so.... ya.... you can survive to...

Y/n: you do this i will hunt you down and rip you limb from i see why i might survive... but still.... don't leave me alone there...

Sebby: leave you alone where?

Ashton: the mansion......

Sebby: oh ya.... Y/n..... part of your training is to survive 24 hours there by yourself....

Fem Creepy pasta X Male ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora